June 15, 2010


Winter planting


Hello Planters, With the cold, wet weather of winter now here, it is the ideal time to be planting trees. Pop on a beanie, some gumboots and with a rosy face tackle that bare patch on your property. At present, we have two  local nurseries on board with ‘fifteen trees’  – Avalong Nursery (at Haddon) and Seeding Victoria (at Creswick/only open on the weekends). Both nurseries have loads of stock and are a great source of information on how to keep your new trees healthy and growing strongly. They also have a special price for the tree guards and stakes that you will need to ensure a good strike rate. For those who have picked up and planted their trees, don’t forget to email me a photo (if possible with people in the shot – helps make it more personal) and a comment so that those who have paid for your trees can have some feedback about where their money has gone. A list of businesses who support this project are listed on the ‘supporters’ page of the website. Keep warm – Colleen



September 18, 2024
‘This enduring gift is testimony to the growth of our students and the points to the many branches of life they are still to travel. I know our students will reflect on the symbolism behind it and the responsibility for them to be environmentally concerned citizens’. MLC School Principal.


September 17, 2024
‘We thank our supporters, such as G.J. Gardner Homes Geelong. Our aim is to restore and enhance our natural environment and your contribution has directly contributed to this aim. Thank you once again’. Geelong Landcare Network


September 17, 2024
‘Thank you to ERA Nurseries for providing us with 300 tube mixtures of native wattles and gum trees, thank you also to sponsors at Fifteen Trees for your kindness in purchasing these trees for our revegetation project at Woolsthorpe’. Boyce Family.