

FifTeen Trees can help reduce the carbon emissions from your company’s fleet.

In return for $82.50 (incl GST), 15 trees are planted to reduce the footprint of one car for one year.

Not only will these trees help collect the greenhouse emissions from your car for one year, they will also be creating green corridors, providing native wildlife with habitat, and helping to reverse the effects of erosion and raising water tables (causing salt in the soil to rise to the surface). Trees also provide a vital role in maintaining a stable global climate. Not a bad effort from a small grove of trees!

Once planted, we send you the link to view your trees.

In return you will also receive:

* a car sticker for each vehicle in your fleet,

* a direct link to your website from our supporters page,

* use of the Fifteen Trees logo,

* use of the blog (photos/videos of your trees and the written comments) for your own promotional materials (e.g. newsletters and website).

Geelong, Australia, 6th August 2010: Brave & Jungle Boys Productions  shoot scenes at Lilydale Sanctuary in Geelong for a TVC  as part of a campaign for Landcare Australia.
Photo: Joseph Feil

*The number 15 is a little arbitrary because it can depend upon your car make/model, how many kilometres a year you travel and even the type of driving you do (city or country). So, the actual number could be between 9 and 24 trees. In brief, one small/medium car will emit about 4000kg of carbon a year into the atmosphere. Over its lifetime, the average tree captures 268kg of carbon. Therefore, to capture the carbon your car emits and reduce your footprint, you need to annually plant 15 trees (15 X 268kg = 4020 kg). Data sourced from the Department of Sustainability, RACV and GreenFleet

Reducing your footprint is another step forward in the quest to take responsibility for our part in global climate change.