September 2, 2024


The KH Studio. Celebrating clients and the planet.

‘This year, we knew we wanted to make an impact and support our local community, while also celebrating our KH clients – no matter where they are based. When we found Fifteen Trees, it felt perfectly aligned. Every tree planted locally makes an impact on a global scale’. KH Studio.



Specialist in brands, websites and marketing, The KH Studio have built an impressive client roster, and are committed to building a more eco-friendly Australia, by supporting Fifteen Trees and our native tree planting projects.


And we couldn’t be happier!


Kira Hyde and Alyssa Tucker. Owners of The KH Studio.


We at The KH Studio are incredibly proud to partner with Fifteen Trees. We believe that every human on this planet has an impact to make. However little (or big!) we each have that special something within us that can make a real difference.

For us, it’s the power of storytelling and how it can ignite action and create change. Every day we help our clients tell their story and it’s our job to capture it in their brand and digital presence.

By partnering with Fifteen Trees, we are helping to tell a larger story about the importance of giving back to our planet and ensuring that our local community continues to flourish for generations to come.

Kira Hyde & Alyssa Tucker | Owners | The KH Studio


When considering what to buy their clients for their Christmas in July celebrations, the team landed on a sustainable gift that helps protects the planet. This is a great move, not only to show their deep sense of responsibility to honour and nurture our environment for now, but also for future generations.


Thank you to our incredible clients who continue to choose our small but mighty studio to help their business make a bold, and aligned impact in the digital space. We are very grateful for your trust in us and our work, we appreciate you all so much. Our partnership with you not only enriches our business but it fulfils us personally, and it supports our beautiful life and family.

For this Christmas in July, we wanted to find a way for you to feel the impact you have on us. Which is why we have chosen to plant a tree on your behalf. We hope you feel pride in supporting your community and giving back to our planet. Thank you from myself [Kira] and Alyssa, and the entire team at The KH Studio.

Happy Christmas in July!

Kira Hyde & Alyssa Tucker | Owners | The KH Studio


Bendigo, VIC | 100 trees | 2024

To celebrate National Tree Day, Bendigo and Maryborough Girl Guides, their leaders and families headed to the Huntly Streamside Reserve (Dja Dja Wurrung Country) to plant trees, with the assistance of the Northern Bendigo Landcare Group. This was all made possible through the generous sponsorship of Kira and Alyssa.


Two girl guides celebrating NTD by planting trees.


On site, the girls learnt about the history, threats and assets of the reserve and why the local Landcare group cares so much about it. After an introduction on the importance of indigenous species and a quick planting demonstration, the girls set to work. The pre-drilled holes made things easier and they soon got into a good rhythm.  Over two hours the girls, aged between 6 and 15 worked tirelessly in good spirits. They loved hammering in the stakes as they guarded plants. Not a complaint!


Girls worked together to complete the planting.


It was a delight to have the group on site. We have encouraged them to return to this lovely area of public land in future to check on their plants. Thanks to Fifteen Trees and The KH Studio for the plants allowing this memorable experience to be provided for the Girl Guides.

The quote of the morning was, ‘Mum, I just realised I LOVE planting trees. Can we fill our whole back yard with them?’

Nicole Howie | Facilitator | Northern Bendigo Landcare


The trees and shrubs planted will provide understorey to the existing eucalypts at the site, help restore indigenous vegetation and showcase our beautiful native vegetation to not only locals, but also to the many visitors who visit.



Lara, VIC | 80 trees | 2023

The native trees were planted recently by volunteers from the Koala Clancy Foundation at Lara, VIC. Some of the tree species planted for KH Studio’s clients, included River-red gum, Yellow gum, Manna gum, Sweet Bursaria, Wirilda and Lightwood. All trees were sourced from local indigenous nursery at Western Plains Flora.


Volunteers from Koala Clancy Foundation.


The Koala Clancy Foundation is working with landowners and councils to provide habitat corridors for their local wild koala populations. During the course of this planting season (April – September) they hope to plant thousands of native trees.


Thank you so much for your support this tree planting season.  Thanks to supporters like you we can continue with our community tree planting projects to provide habitat trees for our local wild koala populations.

Janine Duffy | President | Koala Clancy Foundation


At the Koala Clancy Foundation, koalas are their top priority but to properly care for one specie, they have to care for the entire ecosystem. When they plant trees for koalas, they are also providing habitat for local bird species such as these 4 threatened woodland species; Speckled Warbler (top L), Diamond Firetail (top R), Brown Treecreeper bottom L) and Jacky Winter (bottom R).


Birds of the Brisbane Ranges.


Seeing the planet as something precious and worth preserving, is at the root of constructive change in ensuring better pathways to protect our habitat, people, flora, fauna, and all the creatures who benefit from clean air and waterways, plus carbon sequestering, and will ensure the safety and survival of our Australian landscapes.



Thank you to Kira, Alyssa and the creative team at The KH Studio.


If you are interested in how your business and Fifteen Trees could work together, contact Colleen at <[email protected]> or check out our COMPANY page for more info.



Writer – Lou Ridsdale


Lou is a big fan of words and has been our Comms Manager since 2019.


She is a green thumb, Earth Lover, big-hearted nature freak, plus a savvy media and horticulture expert, who passionately believe that everyone can lead a more nourishing and sustainable life. Her passion for education + communication being the most empowering tool for change is reflected in her setting up her side hustle Hey Hoe Let’s Grow. She also founded Food Is Free Inc., a unique grassroots food security platform specialising in food security education. She fell in love with trees after reading The Magic Faraway Tree as a child.


You can find Lou here





January 19, 2025
We have a handful of individuals, organisations and companies, who purchase trees when they can. These people are masters of ingenuity when it comes to incorporating tree planting into their business practices.


December 19, 2024
Envirotecture set the bar high when it comes to environmental commitment and achievement. Not only do the team build stylish and sustainable properties Australia-wide, they back up that commitment by sponsoring our native tree planting projects.


December 19, 2024
‘We believe that supporting community tree-planting initiatives is not only an investment in nature; it’s a commitment to a sustainable future. JEI Studio is committed to ongoing donations of 15 planted trees for every design and decoration service agreement’. Jessi Deakin.