July 20, 2019


Tree Pose!


Ballarat Yoga and Yogaville Is there anything that embodies the concept of balance more succinctly than yoga’s iconic tree pose (Vrksasana)? How fitting then that one of our most recent tree plantings happened courtesy of two beautiful yoga studios – Yogaville in Melbourne’s inner north, and Ballarat Iyengar Yoga.   Image result for yogaville melbourne logo   Both studios practice Iyengar yoga. Iyengar is a form of Hatha yoga with an emphasis on alignment, precision and harmony. Its practitioners seek balance in all things. The underlying philosophy is broader than simply maintaining a physical pose – it includes an awareness of how our actions affect the world around us. By planting trees, Ballarat Yoga and Yogaville are countering the environmental costs of running their small businesses. Even service-based enterprises cannot operate without some environmental impact. This includes incidentals associated with maintaining a physical space for practice, with the journeys to and fro that students take, with all the varied parts of the small business puzzle that each take their incremental toll on the earth’s resources.  
The hard working volunteers from the Murrindindi Shire of Victoria.
  In this case, 190 trees were planted on a frosty June morning in the Murrindindi shire as part of a broader project to link the Mount Disappointment State Forest to King Parrot Creek. As a result of this planting the Strath Creek Biodiversity Project is now complete. Observers have already noted long-nosed bandicoot activity around the creek and anticipate that the native vegetation corridor will allow the creatures to expand their habitat. With more safe room to move the local fauna have a greater chance of surviving and thriving.  
carbon offsetting
Trees have been well protected with tree guards.
  This project wouldn’t have happened without the hard work of local Landcare groups, the enthusiasm and experience of the landowners, the careful nurturing of the tree nurseries, the coordinating efforts of organisations like Fifteen Trees and the conscious decision to make changes for the better by businesses like Ballarat Yoga and Yogaville. A whole chain of intentions perfectly aligned to bring some balance back to our natural environment. Namaste Bron Rust (Yogaville) and Shayna Odgen (Ballarat Yoga). Article by Sarah Hart. Sarah is an emerging self-taught artist whose passions include the stories and experiences of women and narrative driven creative work. Her aim is to delight, to reveal glimpses of everyday beauty, and to celebrate flights of the ordinary. Sarah works across a range of media, with an abiding interest in pen and ink, mixed media and the human form. Facebook – Sarah Hart Creative. If you are interested in sponsoring one of our tree planting projects please contact Colleen on 0400 040 650 or [email protected]
270 trees:  90 Yogaville / 100 Ballarat Iyengar Yoga / EcoT 40 / OblongUK 40




December 19, 2024
We have a handful of individuals, organisations and companies, who purchase trees when they can. These people are masters of ingenuity when it comes to incorporating tree planting into their business practices.


December 19, 2024
Envirotecture set the bar high when it comes to environmental commitment and achievement. Not only do the team build stylish and sustainable properties Australia-wide, they back up that commitment by sponsoring our native tree planting projects.


December 19, 2024
‘We believe that supporting community tree-planting initiatives is not only an investment in nature; it’s a commitment to a sustainable future. JEI Studio is committed to ongoing donations of 15 planted trees for every design and decoration service agreement’. Jessi Deakin.