November 27, 2010


Westgate Park.


‘Hi Colleen,

 The 300 plants collected from SKINC (St Kilda Indigenous Nursery Co-op) earlier in the month have now been planted in Westgate Park. The plants are all indigenous to the sand belt region of Melbourne and would have been found in the region where Westgate Park now stands prior to European settlement of Melbourne. After a number of years of below average rainfall, we have recently had good rainfall which will assist the plants in their establishment prior to the warmer months. The planting days were supported by members of the Friends of Westgate Park and our partners, Conservation Volunteers Australia (CVA). The CVA volunteers included a number of overseas visitors from Korea which made the event truly international.

 Thank you for your support.’    Tony Flude    Friends of Westgate Park With the Westgate Bridge as their backdrop, The Friends of Westgate Park are transforming the somewhat barren park area into what will be (eventually) a green belt; full of native birds, reptiles, mammals and insects.  All trees and shrubs were generously paid for by Justin Krousoratis from Ballarat City European. Justin and his team carbon offset each new Peugeot sold in August, September and October – all up 300 trees and shrubs were planted for this period. The 20 new Peugeot owners can be happy in the knowledge that  Ballarat City  European is an environmentally aware company that takes its responsibility seriously. Through their support for the environment,  community groups like the Friends of Westgate Park have been able to re-establish native vegetation in areas that have been neglected for years. Stay tuned for a Summer e-newsletter giving a summary of what has been accomplished over the past 6 months of planting through the on-going support of businesses such as Ballarat City European. Cheers – Colleen



September 17, 2024
‘We thank our supporters, such as G.J. Gardner Homes Geelong. Our aim is to restore and enhance our natural environment and your contribution has directly contributed to this aim. Thank you once again’. Geelong Landcare Network


September 17, 2024
‘Thank you to ERA Nurseries for providing us with 300 tube mixtures of native wattles and gum trees, thank you also to sponsors at Fifteen Trees for your kindness in purchasing these trees for our revegetation project at Woolsthorpe’. Boyce Family.


September 17, 2024
Most of us fly into Tasmania. And millions of us do it for the sole purpose of basking in its unique natural wonders and breathing in some of the clearest air in the world. It’s satisfying to think that one of its primary gatekeepers, Hobart Airport, is doing its bit to make Tasmania just that bit greener.