September 14, 2023


Vala Tech Camp. Planting native forests.

‘For Tech Camp 2023, we chose to plant trees on behalf of our presenters through Fifteen Trees. We’ve had great feedback from presenters who were delighted by the novelty of the gift and the lasting impact that their participation has had for the environment’. VALA



VALA is an Australian not-for-profit organisation that supports the use and understanding of information technology in libraries and other information organisations. Every two years they hold Tech Camp, a practical, fun conference which gives their members experience with emerging technologies. External presenters are the backbone of their program and like many conferences they like to thank our presenters for their time, usually in the way of a small gift.


Selecting this gift is always a challenge: we need to consider what the majority of our presenters would like to receive; the gift needs to be easy to organise and transport to the venue; and we are increasingly conscious of the waste associated with a physical artefact.

Michelle McLean | Director | VALA


We are delighted to be a part of VALA’s world by providing a planting of 120 native trees as a gift to their presenters at their VALA Tech Camp 2023. Over the years, these trees will grow to provide habitat for native wildlife, help keep the water in the local creeks clean, stablise the soil and capture carbon from the atmosphere. Not a bad effort from a small grove of trees!




The trees (120) were planted this winter by the Greta Valley Landcare Group at Moyhu, on Taungurung country in North East Victoria. They were planted along the Moyhu Walking track, Meadow Creek Rd, Moyhu.


Sally Day, choosing the plants for the project. 


The planting was very diverse, with 39 different species planted in clumps along the walking track. The vegetation in this area is typically comprised of riparian species (Creekline Grassy Woodland/Floodplain Riparian Woodland) along the waterways of Boggy Creek and King River.


We are very thankful for all the financial support and assistance that has been provided to make our Moyhu Walking Track and Landcare Botanic Gardens a reality.

Sally Day | Coordinator | Greta Valley Landcare Group.


At this particular site, the objective of the planting was to create a demonstration site with all of the typical indigenous local species on display. Some of the species planted included: Blackwood, Silver Wattle, Silver Banksia, River Bottlebrush, Common Cassinia, Drooping Sheoak, Red River Gum, Yellow Box, Red Box and Rough barked honey-myrtle.


Volunteers from Greta Landcare.


The purpose of this site is:

  • to provide information along the side of the walking track and increase engagement of walkers on the track, and
  • create a dense planting that highlights what can be achieved aesthetically with local native species.


Many thanks to the team at VALA Tech Camp for coming to the support of our native environment to the tune of 120 native trees. We hope your conference was a wonderful success.



Writer: Colleen Filippa


With a background in Environmental Science, Colleen is the Founding Director of Fifteen Trees. In 2009, after 20 years in primary, secondary and tertiary education institutions, Colleen left the classroom to start the company. Fifteen Trees is a social enterprise assisting individuals and companies to reduce their carbon footprint by supporting community groups such as Landcare, schools and environmental networks.





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