September 5, 2022


Planted in

Trees for you!

Trees for individuals are adding up. Fifty kind hearted souls have recently purchased trees for us to plant on their behalf. Trees to cover their flights, trees to cover their cars and trees as gifts and in memory of a loved one.



Individual actions really do matter! Individually we can really only make small differences to the world around us, but collectively our numbers add up. And if enough individuals are involved then forests can be grown!

And the proof is here! Over 700 native trees planted in Tasmania.


Wattles make up a large number of the trees being planted.

Planting trees in memory of a dearly loved one;

  • In memory of Ash Heathcote and deepest condolences to Bec and Emma. Warm regards, Ross, Elaine and Sandra. GJ Gardner Homes Vic/Tas. 15 trees
  • In loving memory of Roy Watson of Vermont Vic. Roy was a wonderful family man and good friend to all. He especially cared for the world around him. Always remembered and sadly missed. Ruth and Sharon. 15 trees
  • In loving memory of Brigitte. Andreanne, Elizabeth and Helene Blanchard in Australia. 15 trees
  • In loving memory of the union of David and Tors. A truly wonderful love affair. Kym Fowler. 30 trees
  • Trees in memory of Helen Jenkins’ husband. 15 trees
  • Memorial trees for Tristan from his mother Rebecca Coutts. 15 trees
  • Trees in memory of Leigh Clarke from friends of Alison Clarke. 90 trees

Thank you to the following who each have purchased 15 trees;

  • Sarah Brennan,
  • Brenna Dempsey,
  • Alan Joffe,
  • Hugh Burnett. There can never be enough trees. Happy Birthday Hugh! Lani Howe,
  • Marion Mortimer,
  • Shannon Haintz,
  • Beverly McGain,
  • Melbourne Data Analytics Platform at The University of Melbourne brought together an expert panel on July 13 (Maureen Turner, Tim Miller and Damian Sweeney) chaired by Kristal Spreadborough to discuss current developments in the field of data governance for complex data ecosystems and speculates on the future of such governance frameworks. These trees were planted in recognition of the panel giving up their time and contributions to the panel discussion.
  • Ben Lockyer,
  • Clare MacDonald,
  • Linda Black who purchased these trees as a gift for Brett Cameron (Cameron Hypnotics),
  • Natalie Atherdon,
  • Alexandra Heath
  • Hiep Phan,
  • Andy,
  • Anthony and Catherine Clifford. These trees are for granddaughter Pearl. We bought trees today as a birthday gift for our granddaughter Pearl who turned 1 on July 9. We want her to know that as she grows it’s the little things that we do each day that will contribute to the well-being of our world. As she continues to grow, so too, will the trees that are planted on her behalf grow tall and strong for the benefit of us all.
  • Anthony and Catherine Clifford. Another 15 trees for our beautiful daughter Elle. We love you Elle. 

Thank you to those who purchased 30 trees;

  • Abby Taylor who gave these trees as a gift to her son Orson’s 9th birthday. The money was generously raised from Orson’s friends as a birthday gift in lieu of presents.
  • Stuart Noble,
  • Clare Miller,
  • John O’Neil,
  • Selina Hughes.

Thank you to those who purchased 45 trees;

  • Sr Anne Boyd,
  • Genevieve Lacey.

Thank you to those who purchased trees to cover the carbon footprint of their flights (1 tree per hour in the air);

  • Llewellyn Whishart. 6 trees
  • Lucy Jones. 40 trees

And thank you to those who have purchased one trees with ‘Plant One On Me‘. All up 15 individuals and 22 treees. 

  • Ash Bedford (5 trees), Leigh Erickson, Lisa Coutts, E. Grovesmith, Bronwyn Blaiklock (3 trees), Katie Sheehan for Terry George, E.P. Dalgleish, Lena Mazza, Laurie Stacy (2 trees), Australzee, Basslinenat, Leanne Fitzsimons, Macmfield, Elizabeth Gillan, Anne McMahon.


Site 1 | Pelverata, TAS | 300 trees

This planting will help protect a threatened Black Gum ecosystem that is made up of individual remnants growing alongside a roadside reserve next to Kellyaway Creek. The new planting site will cover an area of 400m X 50m and link up disjunct bushland. The planting was carried out by Landcare TAS member Simon Roberts.


Black Gums in the foreground, new plantings in the background.


Site 2 | Lonnavale, TAS | 300 trees

This site is creating new habitat for native fauna and flora, storing carbon and helping to keep the nearby creek system clean and healthy. The planting group, Reveg the Ridge, started with what is called a ‘cool burn’. This burn opened up space to competing native grasses and created a fertile ash bed for the new plantings. The burn also creates patchy regrowth which is preferred by the small native animals in the area.


Thank you to everyone who made this happen. Today was an example of what makes a society great – young and old joining together to share skills, stories and getting a job done. We are proud to be giving something back to the land.

Erik Haywood | President | Reveg the Ridge


A ‘cool burn’.

Site  3 | Dolphin Sands Peninsula, TAS | 170 trees

These trees were distributed to a number of Dolphin Sands Community Association (DSCA) members for planting. The aim of this project is to revegetate and stabilise the sand dunes of this peninsula. Robin Moore organised the distribution of the trees, working with LandcareTAS and the Dolphin Sands community.


One of the local members of DSCA.


Together, as individuals, we can make significant change. Think of people like Greta Thunberg, who went from a lone figure protesting on the steps of her parliament to the symbolic leader of a worldwide youth climate movement. Think of the social justice marches of the past few years, those rivers of people taking over our streets and calling for change. All individuals. All making a difference.


Never believe that a few caring people can’t change the world. For, indeed, that’s all who ever have.

Margaret Mead | Cultural Anthropologist


We see it very clearly here are Fifteen Trees. We have hundreds of individuals who purchase small numbers of trees, because that’s what they can do right now. But those small numbers add up to a big deal. Thousands of trees have been planted thanks to small personal gestures of generosity and forward-thinking. First a rustle, then a roar, and finally a forest.

This is the power of acting individually and working collectively. If you think you can’t make an impact, we’re here to tell you that you can. Because it’s never just you. It’s all of us, and we’re facing these challenges together.



Colleen Filippa | Founding Director | Fifteen Trees

Sarah Hart | Creative Writer | More about Sarah 







December 19, 2024
We have a handful of individuals, organisations and companies, who purchase trees when they can. These people are masters of ingenuity when it comes to incorporating tree planting into their business practices.


December 19, 2024
Envirotecture set the bar high when it comes to environmental commitment and achievement. Not only do the team build stylish and sustainable properties Australia-wide, they back up that commitment by sponsoring our native tree planting projects.


December 19, 2024
‘We believe that supporting community tree-planting initiatives is not only an investment in nature; it’s a commitment to a sustainable future. JEI Studio is committed to ongoing donations of 15 planted trees for every design and decoration service agreement’. Jessi Deakin.