November 12, 2014


Planted in

Tree planting at Llangothin (NSW).


Planted trees restore critical habitat at important wetland.


Well protected trees.
Well protected trees.


Eli Dutton from WetlandCare writes … “The Little Llangothlin Lagoon Nature Reserve is one of Australia’s RAMSAR listed sites situated near Guyra on the New England Tablelands of NSW. A RAMSAR wetlands site is of international importance. Little Llangothlin Lagoon is a permanent freshwater lake found within the reserve noted for its waterbird habitat, unique ecological character and the threatened species and communities it supports. The Lagoon represents one of the last Upland Wetlands, an Endangered Ecological Community (EEC), found in this region remaining in a near-natural condition. The site also supports New England Peppermint Woodland EEC and the nationally threatened herb Austral Toadflax (Thesium australe).

WetlandCare Australia, in partnership with Fifteen Trees, Northern Tablelands Local Land Services, NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service and Glen Industries, has undertaken native revegetation work to restore the degraded native vegetation community incorporating New England Peppermint Woodland. Fifteen Trees generously supplied 300 trees planted at the Lagoon. Revegetation of this important RAMSAR site will restore habitat connectivity and provide refuge for wildlife during periods of drought. Restoring this site will also enhance fauna habitat by providing nesting and roosting areas for waterbirds protecting the Lagoon’s ecological character”.

Eli Dutton B.App.Sci Coastal Management / Senior Project Officer / Eastern Wetlands and Water Program / WetlandCare Australia


Some of Anna and Richard's trees.
Some of Anna and Richard’s trees.

Fifteen Trees has two NSW people to thank for enabling 200 of these trees to be planted.

Anna Greve from Queenscliff NSW wanted to reduce the carbon footprint of her flights and asked Fifteen Trees to plant 150 trees on her behalf. Thank you Anna for finding Fifteen Trees and for your generous support of our native wetlands. Safe travels.

Richard Finlay-Jones from Ecoenviro, asked that I plant 50 trees on his behalf. I met Richard earlier this year, at Al Gore’s 3 day Climate Reality Conference in Melbourne. Ecoenviro is a consulting company that specialises in renewable energy projects and is based in the beautiful Hunter Valley.

Thank you to both Anna and Richard for your contributions. Your trees have gone to a fantastic organisation and a unique wetland site.

Slainte – Colleen



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