October 25, 2012


Tree Planting at Meredith, Victoria.


Seventy trees were planted at Meredith last month due to the fantastic support of a number of individuals and companies. Huge thank yous to – Federal Member for Ballarat Catherine King (15 trees), Andrew Grant from Golden Nugget Discovery Tours (15 trees), Ballarat Renewable Energy and Zero Emissions (30 trees), Julie Morris (4 trees bought as a birthday gift by friend Ineke Humphrys) and Green Day Marketing (6 trees). The trees were planted by BEN (Ballarat Environment Network) along with a host of volunteers.

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Meredith Police Reserve – complete with guard dog.
Hi Colleen, Thank you once again to the fantastic supporters of Fifteen Trees. In future years, as the trees grow, the massive infestations of hemlock (poisonous weed) and phalaris (a virulent pasture grass) will give way to beautiful, fringing swamp gums and flowering bursaria bushes (great for the birds in both cases), along with other natives. Hedley Thomson (BEN) Slainte – Colleen[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]



September 19, 2024
‘Thank you to Barwon Timber for your hard work this morning to plant out hundreds of native trees in a new conservation area. Left to us, this would have taken weeks and weeks of backbreaking work’. Brisbane Ranges Landcare.


September 18, 2024
‘This enduring gift is testimony to the growth of our students and the points to the many branches of life they are still to travel. I know our students will reflect on the symbolism behind it and the responsibility for them to be environmentally concerned citizens’. MLC School Principal.


September 17, 2024
‘We thank our supporters, such as G.J. Gardner Homes Geelong. Our aim is to restore and enhance our natural environment and your contribution has directly contributed to this aim. Thank you once again’. Geelong Landcare Network