June 22, 2022


Not all companies are created equal!

Not all digital advertising is created equal. Some companies go beyond what the market expects to become leaders in the field. ThinkPremiumDigital has shown leadership with a purchase of 100 native trees to reduce the impact of an industry event.



When we think about great thinkers, famous philosophers come to mind – Socrates, Emerson, Confucius. These great minds offered new ideas and ways of thinking that helped improve the world.

At ThinkPremiumDigital, they aim to do just that for the advertising world. They exist to challenge industry assumptions and offer new perspectives.

In July, ThinkPremiumDigital hosted an exclusive dinner event bringing together the top minds of the Australian advertising industry to think, talk and offer new points of view for a better advertising world.



ThinkPremiumDigital chose to plant 100 trees to reduce our carbon footprint for the night; one for each dinner attendee and one to pay it forward in the industry. We decided to plant them together because together, we can create a better world for future generations.

In the words of the Indian philanthropist Ratan Tata, ‘if you want to walk fast, walk alone. If you want to walk far, walk together’.

Venessa Hunt | General Manager | Think Premium Digital


Site 1 | Swan Bay, Bellarine Peninsula, VIC | 80 trees


Matt Crawley from Bellarine Catchment Network.


Swan Bay is a Ramsar Wetland of local, national and international significance.  This project has enabled protection and enhancement of the vegetation abutting Swan Bay and provides crucial habitat for the Critically Endangered Orange-bellied Parrot.

Initiatives like this help to piece together the fragmented landscape and join wildlife corridors for fauna to move through.  A great local project, connecting the community to the local environment. Thank you to Fifteen Trees supporters for your assistance.

Matt Crawley | Program Manager | Bellarine Catchment Network


Orange Bellied Parrot. Image Zoos Victoria.


Site 2 | Meredith, VIC | 20 trees

Meredith is on the traditional lands of the Wadawurrung and is home to the unique native dunnarts. Dunnarts are nocturnal, carnivorous marsupials that are endemic to (only found in) Australia. They don’t need to drink at all! They get all the water they need from their prey!


Fat-tailed dunnart. Image Bush Heritage.


One of the threats to dunnarts is habitat loss and fragmentation due to vegetation clearing for agriculture. With your support of the Bamganie-Meredith revegetation project, we hope to reverse the activities of past agricultural practises of wide-spread clearing and provide habitat to the local dunnart populations.

Some of the area’s original indigenous flora species include Red Stringybark, Messmate Stringybark, Broadleaf Peppermint, Manna Gum, Swamp Gum and Red Ironbark. These are some of the species planted by the Bamganie-Meredith Landcare Group.

Bernard Gilligan | Facilitator | Bamganie Meredith Landcare Group.



The new trees sit amongst trees that were planted 3 years ago.


We are delighted when companies chip in for tree guards. Tree guards give the new trees protection from grazers, in particular rabbits and kangaroos. Inside the plastic sleeves, a microclimate helps protect the new tree from harsh UV, drifting sand, frost, and wind. Once the seedlings survive their first summer and get the opportunity to develop a strong taproot, their chances of survival skyrockets. Thank you ThinkPremiumDigital for this extra vital support.


Writer; Colleen Filippa | Founding Director | Fifteen Trees

Colleen’s background is in environmental education. In 2009, after 20 years in primary, secondary and tertiary institutions, Colleen left the classroom to start Fifteen Trees. A social enterprise that assists individuals and companies to reduce their carbon footprint through the support of community groups such as landcare, environmental networks and friends groups.








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