July 13, 2022


Sustainability. A Way of Life.

Sustainability Week at The Ascott means more trees for our community groups. To celebrate their 10th anniversary, we recently planted 250 native trees on their behalf.



This year is the 10th Anniversary of Ascott Moments Week.  Held annually since 2013, the event honours team members by celebrating their excellent service to guests and colleagues.


This year’s Ascott Moments Week centred around the theme of Sustainability: A Way of Life.  Similar to last year, this year’s heroes provide excellent service in a manner that supports sustainability.

Teams are called on to take a conscious W.A.S.T.E. walk of their properties as well as in their personal lives to identify sustainability opportunities for Water, Air, Solid waste, Toxic waste and Energy.

These trees were planted in gratitude, on the behalf of all our front line staff at the Ascott properties and the office staff at Quest and Ascott.

Matthew Ryan | Manager; People and Learning | The Ascott


Volunteers working to restore the native environment.


Friends of Emu Bottom in Central Victoria were delighted to learn that we could support their revegetation project by purchasing 250 of their trees on their behalf. This was all due to the generosity of The Ascott.


A few days before the scheduled planting, Friends of Emu Bottom arranged for the site to be cleared of weeds. After weeks of rain, the soil was in perfect condition; soft and moist, ideal for planting of the new seedlings (who love settling their roots in damp soil) and for the planters (as it makes digging easier). A small group of volunteers arrived early at 8.30am on tree planting day and under threatening skies, pre-dug the holes. They then laid out the plants, stakes and guards at each of the holes, ready for the next wave of volunteers who were due at 10.00am. The rain did ultimately catch up with the planting group,  forcing the rapid gathering and packing up of tools into the trailer.


The rains arrived just as the planting was completed.


It was such a great day, thanks to all the people who came to plant the trees and shrubs. This new native vegetation will create habitat for birds, protect our frogs and generally provide us all with joy. Thank you also to The Ascott for purchasing these trees for our district. They have gone to a great home and will be well looked after as warmer and dryer months approach.

Christina Cheer | Coordinator | Emu Bottom Landcare


A field of volunteers.


These new native trees will bring birds back into the area, enticing native birds such as the Red-browed finch (Top L), Superb blue wren (Top R), Grey fantail (Bottom L), Rose robin (Bottom R), Crested shriketit, Yellow tailed thornbill, and the Willy wagtail. In particular, it is hoped that the Sheoaks will encourage the Yellow tailed black cockatoos to come visit, as they love the seeds of this particular tree. Barking owls have been heard in the area and it is hoped that in in time, they will make use of the larger trees.



The planting will provide shelter for echidnas and other small ground creatures such as the rare Growling Grass Frog. A biodiversity of plants will bring a biodiversity of animals.


From Fifteen Trees and Friends of Emu Botttom, thank you Ascott for your sponsorship of this planting project. It has been a pleasure to be a small part of your Sustainability Week celebrations.


Writer: Colleen Filippa

Colleen is the Founding Director of Fifteen Trees. Her background is in environmental education. In 2009, after 20 years in primary, secondary and tertiary institutions, Colleen left the classroom to start Fifteen Trees. Fifteen Trees is a social enterprise (putting people and planet first) assisting individuals and companies to reduce their carbon footprint through support of community groups such as Landcare, environmental networks and friends groups.





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