October 12, 2022


TAPWines and their trees.

We are delighted to announce that TAPWines are continuing their tradition to purchase 600 trees every quarter for community revegetation projects. We couldn’t be more on board with TAP’s ethos, business practices, and products.



TAPWines has been committed to sustainability since its inception back in 2014. The whole business is centred around encouraging venues to transport, store and serve wine in a more environmentally friendly way. They are one of our valued long-time partners.



TAP has estimated that every cylinder of wine consumed via the TAP system reduces waste by 14 kilograms. And that dear friends, equates to thousands and thousands of bottles kept out of our tips and glass recycling bins for every cylinder of wine. Since 2019, TAP has gone even further with its green commitments and has been partnering with Fifteen Trees to make a significant contribution to Victorian community tree planting projects.

Now there’s something to make you think while you clink.


A field of TAP trees.


This year, TAP trees (2,400) have all been planted on the Mornington Peninsula under the guidance of the Mornington Peninsula Koala Conservation (MPKC). This area is a key Koala Conservation location. The trees will not only provide threatened koalas with a fighting chance at long-term survival, the trees will help keep our air cleaner, our soil healthier, and give shelter to countless smaller creatures of field and forest.


Merrick North | 300 trees


The Somers Koala Habitat Project from Coolart to Cerberus Biolink is an ongoing project. Initiated by the Mornington Peninsula Koala Conservation (MPKC), and partnering with the Mornington Peninsula Shire, Parks Victoria and the Department of Defence they have included more than 70% of landholders. And with sponsors such as TAPWines, the project has grown by leaps and bounds.

Here’s a few reasons this project is so important:

  • Recent research from Deakin University suggests that the koala population has been negatively impacted by the highly fragmented nature of habitat on the Mornington Peninsula,
  • By providing a wildlife corridor biolink it will allow animals including koalas to move safely, to reach vital food resources and help maintain viable populations,
  • Without this, koala populations will inevitably continue to decline, become isolated and may face local extinction.


Arthur’s Seat | 700 trees


Over the course of the winter, MPKC in partnership with local council and the local community have planted all 2,400 TAPWines trees on the Mornington Peninsula. They have been planted on roadside reserves, along fence boundaries, up into the hills of Arthurs Seat and across fields and paddocks.


Mornington Commons | 900 trees


The tree species that have been planted across the Mornington Peninsula have included (in order of koala’s preferences); Coastal Manna Gums, Swamp Gums, Narrow-leafed Peppermint Gums, Snow Gums and Messmate Stringy Bark.


Merricks North | 500 trees


Thank you to Andrew and Matty for contacting Fifteen Trees and committing to purchasing 600 trees every quarter on behalf of TAP. Both men are passionate about running a sustainable company. A partnership with Fifteen Trees not only helps reduce their carbon footprint, but also makes a huge difference to small community groups who are working so hard to look after our native environment.

Now if you’ll excuse us, we’re off to celebrate future-focused businesses by drinking a heart-warming glass of (sustainably produced and delivered) Montevecchio Rosso.


Here are the links to TAPWines’ 2019, 2020 and 2021 trees.


Writer: Colleen Filippa | Founding Director | Fifteen Trees

Colleen is the Founding Director of Fifteen Trees. Her background is in environmental education. In 2009, after 20 years in primary, secondary and tertiary institutions, Colleen left the classroom to start Fifteen Trees. Fifteen Trees is social enterprise (putting people and planet first) that assists individuals and companies to reduce their carbon footprint through the support of community groups such as landcare, environmental networks and friends groups.




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