February 8, 2022


Planted in

Taking climate to the skies.

Skydive Down Under is a newly launched company set up by Drew Hullin who believes in responsibility when it comes to the impact he leaves on the environment.



Skydive Down Under is a newly launched company set up by Drew Hullin who believes in responsibility when it comes to the impact he leaves on the environment. In fact, Drew’s company is Australia’s first drop zone that is environmentally friendly!


We have planted 100 native trees and plants for Skydive Down Under at Narmbool in Elaine, Golden Plains Shire, which is on Wadawurrung Country. Owned and operated by Sovereign Hill, Narmbool exemplifies sustainable farming within a diverse and fragile ecosystem.  Narmbool protects bushland and Williamson’s Creek as habitat for native wildlife and flora. These trees are part of a huge revegetation project that Fifteen Trees and supporters has been contributing to since 2010.


Amongst the trees planted, are Silver Tussock, Dogwood, Tree Everlasting and Yarra Gum, all purposefully selected to provide habitat for local wildlife and suitable for the local climate and soils.


tree planting


Drew is committing to an ongoing 10 trees per 1,000L of fuel he uses, and will encourage his customers to purchase trees to reduce the carbon footprint of their own skydives as well. Which is a very proactive approach we say!


If you are interested in how your business and Fifteen Trees could work together, contact Lou at <[email protected]> and ask for a no obligation proposal or check out our COMPANY page for more info.





Lou Ridsdale is a big fan of words and has been our Comms Manager since 2019.


She is a big-minded green thumb, Earth Lover, big-hearted nature freak plus a savvy media and horticulture expert, who passionately believe that everyone is capable of leading a more nourishing and sustainable life. Her passion for education + communication being the most empowering tool for change is reflected in her setting up her own digital/comms agency Hey Hoe Let’s Grow Socials. She also founded Food Is Free Inc. a unique grassroots food security platform specialising in food security education. She fell in love with trees after reading The Magic Faraway Tree as a child.


You can find Lou here






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