November 9, 2018


Generous assistance from Skretting Australia


Skretting Australia is an international company producing feed for the aquaculture industry. They pride themselves on their commitment to sustainability. This year, they have once again generously committed to helping out our tree planting efforts in Tasmania, to the tune of 1247 trees! Why 1247 trees? Over a lifetime, one tree absorbs ~ 268kg of carbon from the atmosphere. Skretting Australia have done the maths and estimated that over the course of a year, their business travel contributed some 244 tonnes (or 334,000 kg) of carbon dioxide into atmosphere. So, to reduce their carbon footprint of their travel, they needed to plant 1247 trees (334,000 kg divided 268 kg = 1247). Fifteen Trees were delighted to receive an order to plant 1247 trees and quickly hooked up with LandcareTas to help distribute.   skretting original_PMS(422-186)   Thanks to the Tasmanian company, LandcareTas were able to support 23 Member Groups and 9 Individual Members of Landcare Tasmania to improve their natural and working environments with local provenance plants. Individual members planted around 20 plants each and Member Groups planted 30-70 plants per group.  
Scouts Tasmania at Leven River
Acton Park Landcare
Circular Head Landcare
Gagebrook Primary and MONA
Thank you Skretting Australia for your generous offer of 1247 trees for our tree planting projects this year. We had overwhelming interest from our members, and they wholeheartedly appreciated receiving the plants. The trees went out to the following groups and individuals: Acton Park Landcare, Andrew Scott, Beechford Residents, Bellingham Progress Association, Carol McMillan, Cemetery Point Coastcare, Circular Head Landcare, Coningham and Lower Snug Community, Friends of Fernglade, Friends of Huon Island, Friends of Mount Field, Friends of Falmouth Coastcare, Gelbe Hill Bushland Reserve Landcare Group, Woodend Wildlife Rehabilitation, Jim and Jo Lyall, Jubille Creek Bushcare, Kim Marsh, LandcareTas with MONA, Leanne Marsh, NWEnvCentre, Norma Jamieson, Notley Hills Landcare, Penelope Laskey, Queechy High School, Rossarden Fire Brigade Landcare Group, Scouts Tasmania, Susan Hartley, Tinderbox West Coastcare Group, Tranmere Clarence Plains Land and Coastcare, Upper Meander Catchment Landcare and West Tamar Landcare. All up 32 groups and individuals were beneficiaries of the trees. We look forward to further opportunities to work together with Fifteen Trees and Skretting Australia. Priscilla Richards | Landcare Support Officer | LandcareTas
  Huge thank you Skretting Australia for your continued support of tree planting in Tasmania. Your generous assistance has enabled so many community groups to complete their planting projects. Slàinte – Colleen  
Laskey Landcare
Friends of Mt Field
Cemetery Point Landcare
Cemetery Point Landcare




December 19, 2024
We have a handful of individuals, organisations and companies, who purchase trees when they can. These people are masters of ingenuity when it comes to incorporating tree planting into their business practices.


December 19, 2024
Envirotecture set the bar high when it comes to environmental commitment and achievement. Not only do the team build stylish and sustainable properties Australia-wide, they back up that commitment by sponsoring our native tree planting projects.


December 19, 2024
‘We believe that supporting community tree-planting initiatives is not only an investment in nature; it’s a commitment to a sustainable future. JEI Studio is committed to ongoing donations of 15 planted trees for every design and decoration service agreement’. Jessi Deakin.