December 3, 2019


Increasing biodiversity with Nicholson Construction.




From its head office in Ballarat and satellite offices in Bendigo and Warrnambool, Nicholson Construction provides individually tailored, high quality and cost effective commercial construction services. They also provide TREES to community groups! In this case, the team purchased 250 trees for Hopkins Falls Landcare member, David Adams.





Thank you to Richard Nicholson and the team including Bruce Gavin, Dean Stevens, Kasey Cornwell and Chris Lavery for your generosity and for your understanding of how important it is to support local communities who are working so hard to revegetate our native environment. The trees were planted on farmland near Framlingham Forest (11.42 km2 Aboriginal Reserve) by David Adams and his family.


Planting the trees.


The trees from Nicholson Construction and Fifteen Trees were planted in a section of farmland which has previously had pine trees. These trees have replaced a pine plantation that had come to the end of its life. Whilst other parts of the farm have native plantations, this section is predominately Cyprus and pines. The new plantation replaces a mono culture plantation with a greater diversity of native species, which will increase biodiversity in this part of the farm as well as providing shelter for stock. The dominant eucalyptus we planted was Manna Gum, which will help support the koala populations that travel through this area, and often reside on the farm.

The farm is only a few kilometers from the Framlingham forest, which has a population of koalas and other species that desperately need corridors in the surrounding landscape to support their movement. It will also support bird life, as a number of prickly native understory species were included in the planting.

Kind regards and thank you to all who helped this project ‘get up and running’.

Jenny Emeny | President | Hopkins Falls Landcare Group


View across the site.


Sláinte – Colleen


Colleen Filippa is the Founder and Director of Fifteen Trees. This year, Fifteen Trees celebrates 10 years. To be part of the movement of companies looking to make a tangible contribution to our community groups and our native environment, contact Colleen at <[email protected]> or on 0400 040 659.








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