November 4, 2019


Never doubt …


Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.

Margaret Mead | American cultural anthropologist and author

  We have so many individuals to thank here. People who collectively have helped us plant 840 trees at a site that is near and dear to our hearts, Westgate Park. Volunteers planted out the native trees (shrubs and grasses) over a number of weeks. The park is directly under the Westgate Bridge, Port Melbourne VIC and is managed by friends and volunteers of Westgate Biodiversity These volunteers attend planting and maintenance sessions at the park most weeks. They also manage a nursery, Bili Nursery that is open to the public.  
Volunteers from Biodiversity Westgate.
  Huge thank you to: Sam Corrie, who ran a meditation workshop from her studio in Randwick, Sydney and collected funds to go towards purchasing 60 trees, Sarah Lucy, who purchased 60 trees for her mother’s birthday, Natural Resources Lin for purchasing 60 trees and Douglas Proctor who also purchased 60 trees all the way from Dublin, Ireland for planting in his home town of Melbourne. Carolyn Denton had a birthday in September and she raised enough funds for one tree for every year plus 9! All up 55 trees! Thank you Carolyn for initiating this idea. For those interested in doing something similar, here is the link to Carolyn’s birthday blog. Thank you to Gordon McCrone for your 45 trees (planted to reduce the impact of your friends’ flight to Venice) and to both Lillian Ryan and Ben Lever for 40 and 34 trees respectively, to help reduce the carbon footprint of your flights. Thank you to the following for their 30 trees; Brendon Doyle, Gabriel Wendt, Kathleen Hughes, Patrice Braun (as part of Ballarat Compassion Week), Bronwyn Blaiklock (as a wedding gift to Indira Wijesinghe and James Bosworth), Marion Crooke & Max Thomson (check out this link Marion sent me from the ABC on mushrooms replacing plastics) and Peter McCracken (who purchased the trees for friend Jim Phillips).  
Happy Birthday Jim.
    To the following individuals who purchased 15 trees each, thank you; Ennrich (for Father’s Day), Emily Paddon-Brown, Lori Dalton (these trees were for her daughter’s 5th birthday), Sarah Brennan, Samantha Healy, Hannah Pinkerton, Lena Mazza (for her friend Anna), Michaela Settle MP for Buninyong (as part of Ballarat Compassion Week), Caitlin Jordon and Sonja Meyer from Ethical Design Co. Fifteen Trees chipped in for 15 trees each for Cherie Draper and Joe Natoli from the Adapting to the New Climate Reality, Ballarat and another 15 trees for Craig McKenzie and Sophie Welton from Grounded Pleasures. And finally, thank you to Nicole Melia, Alison Clarke and anonymous, who purchased 6 trees each to reduce the carbon footprint of their flights. If you’d like to reduce the carbon footprint of your flights, this is a real easy calculation. Here’s the link.

One tree for every hour ‘in the air’. 

      A special shout-out to Tony Flude, George Fotheringham and their team from Westgate Biodiversity who manage Westgate Park. The founder of the Park, 19 year old Naomie Sunner, discovered the Park back in 1999. She thought this neglected, abandoned park, was nonetheless beautiful and had such potential! When she realised that there was no-one looking after the Park, she started her own group called Friends of Westgate Park. Both Tony and George were 2 early members.  
Westgate Biodiversity members and other volunteers gave up part of their Saturday to improve Westgate Park’s Southern Wetlands. This area was added to the park several years ago and has undergone a transformation. Using plants provided by the amazing group of individuals through Fifteen Trees, the wetlands area is becoming a stunning addition to the Park especially with the spring flowering plants. Tony Flude | Co-ordinator | Westgate Biodiversity
  Altogether, we have collectively raised funds for 840 trees for Westgate Park. For Victorians, please glance down as you head over the Westgate Bridge. There you will see the tips of your trees. And if you get the opportunity, please visit the park. The carpark is on Todd Rd, Port Melbourne. From there, you can wander through the 40 hectare and know that with ‘no doubt you have changed the world‘.   Sláinte – Colleen   Colleen Filippa is the Founder and Director of Fifteen Trees. This year, Fifteen Trees celebrates 10 years. To be part of the movement of people looking to make a tangible contribution to our community groups and our native environment, contact Colleen at <[email protected]> or on 0400 040 659.    



October 16, 2024
‘CAVAL is happy to continue the tradition of the past 5 years to plant native trees as speaker gifts for the speakers and facilitators of their virtual activities’. Sara Davidsson.


October 16, 2024
Saying goodbye to our loved ones can be so hard. How heartening to think that a memory of them lives on in the beautiful forests of Australia. Every tree is finding its feet and settling in for a generation’s worth of service to the planet.


October 15, 2024
‘Thank you for being an awesome Aussie initiative to repair and sustain our environment! We were so happy to discover you to ease the impact of our event and contribute to a great cause. Our hearts are happy thinking of the trees getting planted this winter!’. Good Karma Tattoo.