April 4, 2017


Murrindindi Shire … plant trees!



The Murrindindi Shire of Victoria have been working steadily to revegetate since the devastating 2010 Victorian fires when 173 people lost their lives and 414 were injured. The Landcare groups in this area, are some of hardest working ones in the country. To that end, supporters of Fifteen Trees have been supplying trees to them in their thousands.

The Shire is located in a beautiful district, up in the hilly and forested north-eastern part of Victoria, Australia.


This time round 3,000 trees were supplied by Fifteen Trees, of which 365 were paid for by these amazing individuals…


Michelle Dunn moved to Ballarat and quickly made her mark with her beautiful photography and videos. Michelle also teaches DSLR photography and promotes local community groups via her With Camera In Hand – photography challenges with heart. Michelle has purchased 15 trees and promoted Fifteen Trees via her With Camera In Hand work.


I first met up with Richard Finlay-Jones (EcoEnviro) at an Al Gore event in Melbourne a few years back. Richard is a regular contributor to Fifteen Trees. Thank you Richard for your latest contribution of 50 trees. EcoEnviro is a private consulting company, based in the Hunter Valley of NSW, specializing in contract project development and management of renewable energy projects.


New trees up in the hills of Murrindindi.
New trees up in the hills of Murrindindi.


Cel and Mollie McCuskey have asked us to plant 15 trees in memory of J. Paul McIntosh. J. Paul is survived by wife Eleanor, children Jan (& Glen) Einspahr, Jonathan (& Barb) McIntosh, David (& Kari) McIntosh and Heather McIntosh, plus numerous grandchildren and great grandchildren. ‘Utmost respect for a wonderful man‘ Cel.

Richarda regularly kicks in for trees as a memorial to her father Andy (105 trees). Thank you Richarda.

Also thank you to … Ryan Sculley (15 trees), Steve Bennett (30 trees), Kimberlea Dudley (15 trees) as a gift for friend’s 40th Jodi Barker, Helen Pritchard (15 trees), and Danielle Medek (15 trees) an ‘in kind’ payment for this fellow …


Little Penguin


Charles Taliaferro from St Olaf College has asked me to plant 30 trees for his Environmental Ethics 2016-17 at St. Olaf College, Minnesota, USA. Thank you Charles.

Rachel, McKenna, Sophia, Tony, Mira, Robert Grider, Ray Robinson, Charlotte Zaremba, Sindelars, Kelsey Sims, Jack Goldstein, Face Een, Griffin, Roger , Angela, Lynn Mattson Little, Noah, Tom Kirk, Slim Shady, Madison, Goondwana, Samir, Megan, Garrit, Emily, Laua, Erin, Mickey, Dempsey and Wassim.

Oscar 3


Anine Cummins (30 trees) in memory to her friend Oscar (at left). Lovely sentiment Anine. Thank you.

And finally 15 trees to Shon Dunn and Georgia Hudson, ACU Ballarat students who together, know a lot about Climate Change and 15 trees for Mary Valpied – she knows why!

All up 365 trees for the hardworking landcare groups in the Murrindindi Shire of central Victoria. All 3000 trees have now been allocated. Big Love to everyone who contributed to this massive planting.

Slàinte – Colleen




January 19, 2025
We have a handful of individuals, organisations and companies, who purchase trees when they can. These people are masters of ingenuity when it comes to incorporating tree planting into their business practices.


December 19, 2024
Envirotecture set the bar high when it comes to environmental commitment and achievement. Not only do the team build stylish and sustainable properties Australia-wide, they back up that commitment by sponsoring our native tree planting projects.


December 19, 2024
‘We believe that supporting community tree-planting initiatives is not only an investment in nature; it’s a commitment to a sustainable future. JEI Studio is committed to ongoing donations of 15 planted trees for every design and decoration service agreement’. Jessi Deakin.