November 24, 2015


Tree support from Macneil Group.


Paul McCuskey and Jason Neil, from Ballarat building company Macneil Group have once again ‘come to the party’ to support tree planting in the local district. This year, they have generously paid for 120 trees for community groups to plant. MacNeil’s trees have gone across 3 sites .. Skipton Primary School (45 trees), Tyenna River (45 trees) and the Pentland Hills (30).  
Skipton smiles.
Skipton smiles.
Student Alice writes …
On the 6th November, Skipton Primary School went down to Jubilee Park at Skipton to plant trees. Lilla Orton told us what to do, then Georgie gave us all a job. The jobs were planting the trees, watering the trees, digging holes or putting mulch around trees. Thank you Fifteen Trees and Macneil Group for giving us trees to plant.
Tree planting at Skipton.
Tree planting at Skipton.
Meanwhile over at the Tyenna River National Park (Tas) Matt Pitt was organising 1000 trees for supporters of Fifteen Trees. Forty-five of these trees were earmarked for the Macneil Group.
This project was about revegetating areas along the Tyenna River. Conservation Volunteers had various people engaged throughout this project including; local job seekers, retirees and university students as well as international volunteers. Everyone involved was thrilled to be helping revegetate and protect such a spectacular and diverse National Park. Matthew Pitt | Acting Executive Officer | Tasmania Landcare
Volunteers at Tyena River
Volunteers at Tyenna River
Up at the Pentland Hills (Vic), another project of 1000 trees was being organised, again on the behalf of Fifteen Trees supporters. Thirty of these trees were earmarked for Macneil Group.  
Trees at Pentland Hills
Trees at Pentland Hills
      Huge thank you to Paul and Jason for your continuing support. One hundred and twenty trees were planted thanks to your generosity. Slainte – Colleen



September 12, 2024
‘This project will restore an endangered ecosystem in a region that has lost 87% of its natural forest. This planting will effectively double the habitat for these koalas, giving them a lifeline’. Koala Clancy Foundation


September 10, 2024
Essence Food for the Soul is where ‘beautiful meals and feel good food is made’. Located on the Morning Peninsula, Essence combine passion for all things delicious to create meals that are truly nourishment for the soul.


September 10, 2024
‘We feel very grateful, thankful and quite overwhelmed when we think about the contributions of all of the people involved. The project would not have happened without the support from sponsors of Fifteen Trees and such sterling efforts from Landcare and all the volunteers’. Kinglake Landcare.