June 22, 2022


Planted in

A Corporate Responsibility.

Two teams of ten JLL employees ventured out on Mon 6th and Wed 8th June with one thing on their minds – community tree planting to make the planet more sustainable.



JLL takes their corporate responsibility seriously, and it shone through when their employee Sharon Chan contacted us as an existing Friend of Fifteen Trees to ask about a tree planting activity for her Melbourne colleagues.


Two teams of 8 went out to Westgate Park during the week of June 6th. At both sessions, 500 native trees, shrubs and ground covers were planted. As the teams worked, the sweetest little family of wrens watched their efforts – obviously eyeing off their new future home.


Wednesday’s team of 8.


JLL are a world leader in real estate services. They buy, build, occupy and invest in a variety of assets including industrial, commercial, retail, residential and hotel real estate. From tech start-ups to global firms, their clients span industries including banking, energy, healthcare, law, life sciences, manufacturing, and technology.



In the interest of biodiversity, a large variety of native trees, shrubs and ground covers were planted.


One of JLL’s business mantras is ‘At JLL we embrace the human side of business, which makes us better at delivering the business side of business.’ The walking the talk in this sentiment is evident in them not only supporting our community tree planting projects, but going the full yards in co-ordinating staff to roll up their sleeves, put their hands in the soil and plant native trees and shrubs alongside us and the team from Westgate Park.

“Across the world, during the week of June 6th -10th, JLL is giving back to our local communities. We are very proud to be playing our part!” 

Sharon Chan | Senior Sustainability Analyst.


Some of the dream team!


Bili Nursery & Landcare Inc. who manage Westgate Park, is a community-based not-for-profit organisation. They grow and sell locally indigenous plants and are transforming Westgate Park into a natural, bush-like place for people to enjoy. Bili help enhance and protect the natural environment and its biodiversity in the Sand-belt region of Melbourne. It is a pleasure to be able to support them.


Activities such as tree planting days, not only get staff out into the great outdoors but also bring about a sense of purpose for employees and pride when they achieve a mighty feat such as putting 1,000 trees in the ground together. Not to mention the added bonus of group participation and extended camaraderie to the office when they return.


Check out our drone footage from the day.



We are delighted when companies chip in for tree guards. Tree guards give the new trees protection from grazers, in particular rabbits and kangaroos. Inside the plastic sleeves, a microclimate helps protect the new tree from harsh UV, drifting sand, frost, and wind. Once the seedlings survive their first summer and get the opportunity to develop a strong taproot, their chances of survival skyrockets. Thank you JLL for this extra vital support.


We thank Sharon and the JLL crew and we know the animals, and humans who take in the beauty of Westgate Park for years to come, will do the same.




If you are interested in how your business and Fifteen Trees could work together, contact Colleen at <[email protected]> or check out our COMPANY page for more info.


Writer – Lou Ridsdale

Lou is a big fan of words and has been our Comms Manager since 2019.

She is a green thumb, Earth Lover, big-hearted nature freak, plus a savvy media and horticulture expert, who passionately believe that everyone can lead a more nourishing and sustainable life. Her passion for education + communication being the most empowering tool for change is reflected in her setting up her side hustle Hey Hoe Let’s Grow. She also founded Food Is Free Inc., a unique grassroots food security platform specialising in food security education. She fell in love with trees after reading The Magic Faraway Tree as a child.You can find Lou here



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