March 22, 2016


Planted in

Holligsworth Creek, Lismore, NSW.


Eight individuals contributed to this re-vegetation project at Hollingsworth Creek (NSW). Their generosity, enabled Eli and her team from Wetland Care Australia and Conservation Volunteers to plant 400 trees along the banks of their local creek. Special heart-felt thanks to the generous support of these amazing people … Sr Anne Boyd (30 trees) and Sr Louise Cleary (33 trees) from the St Brigidine Community, Anine who wanted trees 60 planted for Claire Cummins, Anna Greve who kindly bought 170 trees to offset her flights for 2015, Llewellyn E. Wishart also wanted flights offset (5 trees), Richarda bought 57 trees in memory of her father Andy, Jenn Clark has bought 15 trees and finally Prof Charles Taliaferro from St Olaf College (Minnesota, USA) has bought 30 trees on the behalf of this semester’s philosophy students. Hello to Meghan & James, Thay, Eleonor, Tom Bombadill, Lara, Mom, Dugod, Sophia, Sydney Runkel, Eucalyptus, Leta, H&L, Ruth, Reza, Jill, Hanah, Lockwood, In memory of Richard Durocher, Pamela Judge, Luke, StoDad, Charles, Queen Bey, Granny, Muncher, Anna Gloria, Jordy, Groot, In memory of Kabuki and Ambele.   Tree Planting at Lismore.
  Restoring the habitat of Hollingsworth Creek Hollingsworth Creek is located in the township of Lismore in northern NSW. This small but important creek is a tributary of the Wilsons River. Historical clearing and land use activities have left much of Hollingsworth Creek devoid of any vegetation leading to erosion issues and lack of habitat for aquatic and terrestrial fauna species. Despite this, Hollingsworth creek does support a small remnant of Lowland Rainforest which is an Endangered Ecological Community (EEC) and also two threatened flora species Thorny Pea (Desmodium acanthocladum) and the endangered Sweet Myrtle (Gossia fragrantissima). WetlandCare Australia and Conservation Volunteers Australia, in partnership with Fifteen Trees and South Lismore Landcare have successfully undertaken a native revegetation planting to restore the vegetation community of Hollingsworth Creek. Restoring this site will enhance fauna habitat and improve the water quality in the Wilsons River catchment. Thanks again to Fifteen Trees for generously supplying the 400 trees which were planted by members of the South Lismore Landcare and the WetlandCare Australia Green Army team which is funded by the Commonwealth Government. Eli Dutton B.App.Sci Coastal Management | Senior Project Officer | WetlandCare Australia | Conservation Volunteers
Tree planting at Lismore. Huge thank you to Anne, Louise, Anine, Anna, Llewellyn, Richarda, Jenn and Charles. All these trees add up and we now have 400 trees in the beautiful northern hinterland of New South Wales. Thank you also to Eli and your hardworking team members. Slainte – Colleen




December 19, 2024
We have a handful of individuals, organisations and companies, who purchase trees when they can. These people are masters of ingenuity when it comes to incorporating tree planting into their business practices.


December 19, 2024
Envirotecture set the bar high when it comes to environmental commitment and achievement. Not only do the team build stylish and sustainable properties Australia-wide, they back up that commitment by sponsoring our native tree planting projects.


December 19, 2024
‘We believe that supporting community tree-planting initiatives is not only an investment in nature; it’s a commitment to a sustainable future. JEI Studio is committed to ongoing donations of 15 planted trees for every design and decoration service agreement’. Jessi Deakin.