October 14, 2019


Harrison Funerals at Linton Cemetery.


Harrison Funerals ‘strive to ensure that every family’s funeral experience is a positive one and through (their) care and service (they) are able to ease some of the grief and assist the healing process’. With the assistance of Fifteen Trees, Harrison Funerals plant one mature tree on the behalf of every family who use their service.

  Harrison Funerals Hi_Res_RGB   Recently, 15 mature trees were planted at Linton Cemetery due to the generosity of this caring couple. At Linton Cemetery, the committee are continually trying to beautify the cemetery landscape with new trees and to ensure trees are replenished as needed.  
Tree planting at the cemetery at Linton.
On Saturday the 5th of October we held our tree planting working bee where nine diligent community members helped to dig the holes, plant, guard and water our fantastic 15 trees. Everyone on the Trust committee is over the moon regarding your program. And a special thank you to Brian and Maree Harrison who has been giving out trees to community groups like ours for the past 9 years. It is people like the Harrisons that make our work that much more enjoyable.   Chris Grigg | Trust Member | Linton Cemetery  
3 of the 9 volunteers who attended the tree planting working bee
  Once again a huge thank you to Maree and Brian Harrison for supporting the work of community groups. These groups mostly run on volunteers who generously give their time and expertise. Linton Cemetery is always looking for more people to join in their working bees. You can contact Chris Grigg at <[email protected]> if interested. Sláinte – Colleen Colleen Filippa is the Founder and Director of Fifteen Trees. This year, Fifteen Trees celebrates 10 years. To be part of the movement of companies looking to make a tangible contribution to our community groups and our native environment, contact Colleen at <[email protected]> or on 0400 040 659.



September 5, 2024
‘Thank you to the supporters of Fifteen Trees such as G.J. Gardner Homes Mildura. With your contribution, Mallee Conservation can restore habitat for the beautiful, endangered Pink Cockatoo. It also supports Traditional Owner self- determination for our local mob.’ Mallee Conservation.


September 5, 2024
Gaynor Atkin, of Atkin Collective, cares for country. Partnering with Fifteen Trees, Gaynor’s support of our tree planting projects in Victoria has seen 200 native trees planted.


September 4, 2024
‘Nature is not a place to visit, it is a home that we all belong to, so it’s only fitting to give back’. This is a quote we heard a long time ago and it’s something that stuck with us and something we try to live by. Mark and Karyn Pemmelaar.