August 13, 2017


Trees go out to West Tamar and Exeter High, Tasmania.


Ross Morley, Managing Director of G. J. Gardner Homes has been supporting our native environment (through Fifteen Trees) since 2013 and has helped plant 30,000 trees across Victoria and Tasmania. For every new home built, Fifteen Trees organises the planting of 15 trees in the local district. This year, the project will see over 8,500 trees planted by schools, landcare and various environmental groups. GJGLogo_NO-TAG_WHITE_BG_lrg Chris and Tanya Dell from G. J. Gardner Homes Launceston are generous supporters of local community groups and their tree planting projects. This year, this duo have purchased 225 trees for Alison Hugo and her regional Landcare group. Trees went to 2 sites – Exeter High School and West Tamar Landcare.   [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”]
West Tamar
West Tamar
Alison writes … Over 100 Exeter High School and Exeter Primary School students planted out an area alongside a recently fenced off waterway, on the school farm. These native plants will assist in the establishment of a biodiversity corridor that will help not only improve the quality of the water but also increase habitat values. West Tamar Landcare members spent a wintery Saturday afternoon planting out natives as part of a rehabilitation project near Stony Creek. The group have been working in the area for over 12 months removing environmental weeds, building paths and assisting with rehabilitation the area. The group were also joined by G.J. Gardner staff. Thank you Chris and Tanya for your continued support of our planting projects. Alison Hugo | Biodiversity Project Coordinator | Northern Tasmania NRM
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West Tamar
West Tamar
Huge effort behind the scenes to get tree planting days up and running. Thank you Alison and your team for finding a home for our trees (225). Thanks also to Chris and Tanya and the team from G.J. Gardner Homes Launceston for getting behind your local community by, paying for the trees and getting out there and planting them. Slàinte – Colleen[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]



July 9, 2024
At the heart of every nunnery is, of course, charity. We love our partnership with the Brigidine Sisters and are impressed with their passion to give. That’s a long history of giving from these remarkable women, and we are not only benefactors of this kindness, as their other philanthropy does ripple out to myriad of other organisations as well.


July 8, 2024
WPA acknowledges that when it comes to environmental initiatives, its people are its strength. It has recently partnered with us to plant 15 trees for each hard-working staff member identified as a Sustainability Warrior.


June 18, 2024
Furnx is taking proactive steps each day and planning into the future, to ensure their company is part of a circular economy. Reducing waste and consumption of resources, and increasing recycling and reuse of materials is top of mind in every business decision they make, contributing to a more sustainable world. And now they are planting trees!