May 29, 2011


Friends of Westgate Park.


  “Friends of Westgate Park has successfully planted 450 trees  at Westgate Park( found right under the Bridge) using volunteers from The Green Jobs Corps. This group forms part of a Commonwealth Government initiative providing training and practical work for young people. The trees will be well maintained by the group (who has an excellent reputation). The re vegetation in Westgate Park is providing a green space close to the city of Melbourne. Friends of Westgate are really pleased to have a partnership with Fifteen Trees and their generous sponsor.
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Part of the team of volunteers from the Green Jobs Corps.
Keep up the good work – Tony Flude (Friends of Westgate Park)”   The generous sponsor of Westgate Park is  Peter King from Kings Cars Ballarat. The dealership has carbon offset 30 new cars (Citroens and Mitsubishi ASX ) with Fifteen Trees.  As a result, 450 native trees were planted at the reserve in North Melbourne. These trees (over their lifetime) will collect the carbon these 30 cars will emit over the next 12 months. Thank you Peter and the team at Kings Cars for your continued support of tree planting in Victoria. Cheers  – Colleen[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]



July 9, 2024
At the heart of every nunnery is, of course, charity. We love our partnership with the Brigidine Sisters and are impressed with their passion to give. That’s a long history of giving from these remarkable women, and we are not only benefactors of this kindness, as their other philanthropy does ripple out to myriad of other organisations as well.


July 8, 2024
WPA acknowledges that when it comes to environmental initiatives, its people are its strength. It has recently partnered with us to plant 15 trees for each hard-working staff member identified as a Sustainability Warrior.


June 18, 2024
Furnx is taking proactive steps each day and planning into the future, to ensure their company is part of a circular economy. Reducing waste and consumption of resources, and increasing recycling and reuse of materials is top of mind in every business decision they make, contributing to a more sustainable world. And now they are planting trees!