November 18, 2022


Friends of Fifteen Trees 2022 Report

What help is planting trees at this time of global climate change? It actually is a huge help, and collectively we are all having an impact. Here at Fifteen Trees, we know that numbers add up. Sixty trees might not seem much, but 90 individuals purchasing 60 trees, now that has an impact. 



We wouldn’t get far without friendship. Someone to check in on us, someone to laugh with, cry with, someone to give us a hand when we need it. Here at Fifteen Trees we are humbled to have 90 of the best friends anyone could wish for. The kind of friends who really step up, who are selfless, community minded, and serious about creating a better future together.


Sugar gliders inhabit the Grampians district of Victoria, where we have planted our first FoFT trees for 2022.


Over the course of the year, we gathered 90 Friends of Fifteen Trees who each purchased 60 trees, totalling 5,400 trees. The positive ripple effect of these trees will go on for decades, centuries even.


  • 5,400 trees that will provide habitat, food, and safety for native animals,
  • 5,400 trees stabilising soil and water tables,
  • 5,400 trees that over time will collect and store carbon from the atmosphere.


Mik Aidt, Deborah Bourke, Dana Bretag, Sandra Briody, Audrey Burking, Daniel Cherry, Jenn Clark, Amanda Gambino, Hilary Grigg, Glenys Grigg, Rose Harrison, Elizabeth Howson, Rosie Hunt-Walshe, Andrea Hurley, Jacob Johnston, Sean Keniry, Sara Kittelty, Anabel Mason, Jill Clark + Paul Duggan, Rosalind Read, Annabel Ritchie, Lynn Teale, Mary Wade, Lorena Wootton, Helen Browitt, Bette Schwarz, Rae Knowler, Fern Hames, Caitlyn Jordan, Sonja Meyer, Georgina Imberger, Carole Felmy, Claudius Stanislaus, Julia McGregor, Fiona Leahy + Antony Swingler, Sandra Hawkins, Christopher Hawkins, Marj Garcia, James Hosking, Marian Turner, Nyree Windsor, Lucy Bracey, Sarah Hart, Frances Gass, Lesley Kirkwood X 2, Eliza-Jane Gilchrist, Fiona Baxter, Jessica Reeves, Corinna Klupiec, Jess Tatham-Thompson, Sam McColl, Heather Charlesworth, Anne Muirhead, Leona Lees, Pauline Clancy, Sean Werth, Marine Stoll, Paul Mason, Phil Kalluri, Sylvia Nevistic, Bronwen James, Sharon Chan, David + Karen Dawson, Lee Palmer, Michael Nicols, Keitha Theodore, Julie Atkinson, Ellen Burns, Natasha Ludowyk, Daniel Cocking, Belinda Coates, Tim Johnston, Amy Clark, Jo Cosgriff, Lena Mazza, Andrew Griffiths, Jen Askham, Anthony + Catherine Clifford, Tanya Gulevski, Marlie + Kelli Grant, Elsa Lynn, Samantha Healy, Amy + Andrew, Douglas Proctor, Marji Puotinen, Andy Booth and Gerri Savage.


In summary, we have planted the trees in Tasmania (2,000), across a number of sites in Victoria (2,500), over in Esperance WA (500) and up in the Daintree Rainforests of Queensland (400). Here’s a breakdown of all the trees.


Site A | Russel Ridge Conservation Area, TAS | 1,000 trees


We have given something back to a land that for so many generations was cared for and nurtured by the Palawa people of Lutruwita.

The trees, plants, shrubs and grasses will become the habitat, hollows, havens and homes of our incredible native and endangered wildlife. A cool winter burn opened up the space to competing grasses and created a fertile ash bed ready for the planting of the native trees and shrubs. The cool burn also generates patchy habitats preferred by small native animals and can prevent lightning and wildfires from completely consuming the land. It is an age old art practiced by the Palawa of Lutruwita for thousands of generations to manage landscapes and have turned them into what we see today.

Today was the beginning of a future for climate, against fire, for our ecosystems, waterways and for the intrinsic value of the beauty of a replenished and vibrant landscape. Thanks to everyone who made this happen.

Erik Hayward | Coordinator | Reveg the Ridge


Cool burn for a nutrient filled ash, with no competition from weeds.


Site B | Geeveston, TAS | 300 trees


In July, we gathered a lot of help from our amazing friends to plant 300 trees at Geeveston! On the lead-up to the planting day, we had multiple weekends preparing the land and making tree guards out of netting materials from fish farms. Over 20 people were part of this project, we are very thankful for their help as it made the planting process very smooth and fast. Our two goats also had an important part to play in the lead-up to planting, they ate all the blackberry bushes so we could clear up some areas to plant the trees.

The planting day started at 8:30am, we segregated the volunteers in 3 main areas and off they went looking for stakes with trees nearby. Within 3 hours we had all the trees in the ground. We were impressed that it went so fast.

Thank you to Landcare and supporters of Fifteen trees for giving us this opportunity, it has certainly allowed us to share with our community that support is available for people that want to take care of the land.

Jo Mendes | Member | LandcareTAS


Jo and friend.


Site C | Oldina and Tamar Valley TAS | 700 trees

At both sites, the main aim is to help restore the land and attract more wildlife and insects. To plant shelter-belts to provide habitat for local wildlife and generally increase biodiversity, and reduce erosion.


Kids helping out in the Tamar Valley, TAS.


We conducted the planting over a few days, with the help of students from Wynyard High School. Some of the students are studying horticulture so it was a great opportunity for them, and for us! There were eight student involved in the planting, plus four helpers.

The planting is very important for a number of reasons, firstly we are keen to increase biodiversity and wildlife habitat, and secondly to reduce the strong winds that affect our growing area. We wish to thank LandcareTAS and Fifteen Trees supporters for the donation of the trees, and the Wynyard High School for helping us plant them.

Livewell | Members | LandcareTAS


School students joining in on planting day.


Site D | The Grampians, VIC | 500 trees


Andrew and Debra live on a 40-acre property, adjacent to Kara Kara National Park, half-way between Stuart Mill and Redbank. The couple tree-changed from Melbourne 8 years ago and have begun a conservation project on their property, which includes a captive breeding program for the endangered Squirrel Glider. This year, with some assistance from the students at St Arnaud College and the St Arnaud Primary School, they planted 500 trees, a mixture of red ironbark, yellow and grey box, and yellow and red gum, melaleucas and wattles.

Andrew Borg is the Local Landcare Facilitator for The Grampians district (known as Gariwerd to local indigenous people). We recently conducted an interview with Andrew about how and why he ‘got into Landcare‘. Read the full article here.


Andrew and Deb.


We want to regenerate lost habitats, create biolinks on agricultural land, enhance and help nature and celebrate our 35th Landcare Anniversary. Friends of Fifteen Trees has enabled us to do just that!

Andrew Borg | Coordinator | BNGLN


In the interests of biodiversity, a large range of species are planted.


Site E | Grass Flat, Natimuk, VIC | 500 trees


Located 300km north west of Melbourne and on the edge of one of Australia’s best climbing areas, Mount Arapiles, 500 trees and shrubs were planted out by local landcare members, Iestyn and Mirinda.

Each tree was carefully planted and guarded by the owners and 10 volunteers. Planting was into rip lines, then direct seeded with a blend of 20 local species of shrubs to complement the planting. Species planted include a variety of Eucalyptus, Acacia, Allocasuarina, and Melaleuca.

Local fauna species that are visiting the site, include echidnas, kangaroos, wallabies, yellow tailed black cockatoo, various raptors, owls, goannas, brown snakes and the rare Red-tailed Black Cockatoo. The site is also to be part of a Zoos Victoria project to enhance vegetation for the Golden-rayed Blue Butterfly, which the saline lake on the property is part of its main habitat zone.


Trees in the foreground, Mt Arapiles in the backdrop.


We planted the trees over the course of a few weekends and broke up the areas into ‘doable chunks’. Applying for this small amount of funding from Fifteen Trees has enabled us to make a start on a huge revegetation project to restore the land. We are very grateful.

Iestyn Hosking and Mirinda Thorpe | Members | Natimuk Urban Landcare Group


Site F | Kororoit Creek, VIC | 500 trees


The trees were organised by Friends of Kororoit Creek (FoCK) for planting on National Tree Day (Sunday, July 31st). One hundred and fifty volunteers from the local community turned up on the day and made light work of planting 500 native plants.  The plants have a gone long way towards helping FoKC in their aim to ‘enhance and restore the Kororoit Creek Corridor’. Along with native ground covers and shrubs, trees such as Red Gums, She-oaks, Golden Sprays and Lightwoods were planted.


Local legends.


One possible derivation for the name ‘Kororoit’ is thought to come from an Aboriginal word meaning ‘male kangaroo’. A second possibility is that it was derived from the Aboriginal name for the district encompassing the now City of Hobsons Bay, ‘Koort Boork’, meaning ‘She Oak’.


Site G | Mornington Peninsula, VIC | 500 trees


The Somers Koala Habitat Project (Coolart to Cerberus Biolink) is a fabulous project to support. With over 70% of landholders confirming their intent to participate in this revegetation project, it is backed by Mornington Peninsula Shire, Parks Victoria and the Department of Defence. And now with sponsors such as Fifteen Trees, this revegetation project has grown by leaps and bounds. Mornington Peninsula Koala Conservation are the major drivers of this project.


Protecting the trees with guards.


Here’s a few reasons why this project is so important:

  • Recent research from Deakin University suggests that the koala population has been negatively impacted by the highly fragmented nature of habitat on the Mornington Peninsula,
  • By providing a wildlife corridor biolink it will allow animals including koalas to move safely, to reach vital food resources and help maintain viable populations,
  • Without this, koala populations will inevitably continue to decline, become isolated and may face local extinction.

Some of the trees planted included; Drooping Sheoak, Coastal Banksia, Messmate, Swamp Gum, Coastal Manna Gum, Narrow-leafed Peppermint, Black Wattle, Blackwood, Scented and Swamp Paperbark and Silky Hakea.


Some of the volunteers at Somers.


Site H | Westgate Park, VIC | 500 trees


Westgate Biodiversity is a community-based not-for-profit organisation. They grow and sell locally indigenous plants and with the help of organisations such as Fifteen Trees, are transforming Westgate Park into a natural, bush-like place for people to enjoy. The team of 20 volunteers work to educate the wider community on the importance of protecting and enhancing the natural environment, urban biodiversity, and healthy environments. They do this by planting locally indigenous plant species and encouraging volunteering and community engagement with the natural environment.




Site I | Esperance, WA | 500 trees


The trees were planted over the course of the winter by Dalyup River Catchment Group members Dorothy and Richard Henderson. The Dalyup River runs into the Lake Gore RAMSAR listed wetlands of international significance, a place of particular importance to migratory waterbirds. The types of trees planted were 4 different species of melaleuca and 2 different species of acacia or wattle.


Richard Henderson


The trees have been planted in an area devoid of native vegetation (until now) as early colonial land practise was to remove all trees and shrubs to make room for pastures and stock. In fact, since the late 1800’s, 90% of native plants have been removed from along the Dalyup River catchment. This new planting project by the Hendersons will serve as a wildlife corridor between the river and adjoining bushland. The variety of wildlife coming back into the district includes; kangaroos, bandicoots, nightjars, red-capped parrots, galahs, crested pigeons, magpies, butcher birds, blue-tongue lizards, dugites and tiger snakes.


By helping us to re-vegetate this land, you have helped us bring life back to the land. It would not have been possible for us to do the rehabilitation work that we have done without the help of others. Bringing trees back into this landscape has brought it, quite literally, back to life.

The most obvious change has been the variety of birds that now come into the district. The trees we plant provide habitat for other creatures, while also serving as wind breaks helping to prevent erosion, and soaking up excess moisture in areas prone to water-logging and salinity.

Dorothy Henderson | Member | Dalyup River Catchment Group



Site J | Daintree Rainforest, QLD | 400 trees


Daintree Life is a small conservation group situated up in the Daintree Forest of far north Queensland. They have been planting trees in the Daintree since 2018. They firmly believe in restoring and expanding natural habitat for wildlife. Founders, Connie and Dave Pinson, work closely with Queensland Parks and Wildlife, removing rank grasses and weeds in the National Park to restore food resources and ecological function. Funding from FoFT has enabled them to continue with their revegetation work.


Dave from Daintree Life, in front of one of his roadside plantations.



Once again, a huge thank you to all our supporters via Friends of Fifteen Trees. Your assistance is invaluable. It is amazing just how much we can achieve when we collectively work together.


Writers: Colleen Filippa / Bronwyn Blaiklock.

Colleen is the Founding Director of Fifteen Trees. Her background is in environmental education. In 2009, after 20 years in primary, secondary and tertiary institutions, Colleen left the classroom to start Fifteen Trees. Fifteen Trees is social enterprise that assists individuals and companies to reduce their carbon footprint through the support of community groups such as landcare, environmental networks and friends groups.

Bronwyn Blaiklock is a multidisciplinary creative: a poet, a pianist, a reformed perfectionist. She has worked in the creative and education sectors for over 25 years. She also confesses to having an affair with an accordion, but whatever you do, don’t tell the piano. Find Bronwyn here.



October 16, 2024
‘CAVAL is happy to continue the tradition of the past 5 years to plant native trees as speaker gifts for the speakers and facilitators of their virtual activities’. Sara Davidsson.


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Saying goodbye to our loved ones can be so hard. How heartening to think that a memory of them lives on in the beautiful forests of Australia. Every tree is finding its feet and settling in for a generation’s worth of service to the planet.


October 15, 2024
‘Thank you for being an awesome Aussie initiative to repair and sustain our environment! We were so happy to discover you to ease the impact of our event and contribute to a great cause. Our hearts are happy thinking of the trees getting planted this winter!’. Good Karma Tattoo.