October 30, 2019


Evoke. A sustainable building group.


The Evoke Building Group don’t just build houses. Their dream is to build people a home. A home that is highly energy efficient and low maintenance with a focus on environmentally friendly building solutions. As they state on their website We only get one planet people! We don’t want our kids picking up the bill!     We were delighted when Evoke contacted us asking if we could plant 105 trees on their behalf (15 trees for every vehicle in the fleet). Of course we could … and did! The trees were planted at a favourite location of ours – Westgate Park. This is the park you see when you drive over the Westgate Bridge into and out of Melbourne. It is a 40 hectare reserve that is slowly but surely being brought back to what it once was; a thriving river ecosystem with masses of native wildlife, and in particular birdlife.  
Tree planting day.
  Volunteers of Westgate Biodiversity planted out the trees. This amazing group meet up regularly, to not only plant, but to remove the introduced weeds, mulch and water the new trees (shrubs and grasses) and general maintenance work. As you can imagine, this maintenance can be massive over the 40 hectare park. Thank you to Tony Flude and his team for their tieless work. And thank you Evoke for your contribution. We don’t have to be perfect as we move towards living more sustainably, we just have to move in the right direction. Sláinte – Colleen   Colleen Filippa is the Founder and Director of Fifteen Trees. This year, Fifteen Trees celebrates 10 years. To be part of the movement of companies looking to make a tangible contribution to our community groups and our native environment, contact Colleen at <[email protected]> or on 0400 040 659.



September 12, 2024
‘This project will restore an endangered ecosystem in a region that has lost 87% of its natural forest. This planting will effectively double the habitat for these koalas, giving them a lifeline’. Koala Clancy Foundation


September 10, 2024
Essence Food for the Soul is where ‘beautiful meals and feel good food is made’. Located on the Morning Peninsula, Essence combine passion for all things delicious to create meals that are truly nourishment for the soul.


September 10, 2024
‘We feel very grateful, thankful and quite overwhelmed when we think about the contributions of all of the people involved. The project would not have happened without the support from sponsors of Fifteen Trees and such sterling efforts from Landcare and all the volunteers’. Kinglake Landcare.