August 4, 2018


Trees for Earth Day on National Tree Day.


Earth Day is a global event held annually on April 22nd. Across the world, people celebrate our beautiful Earth. Indeed, it is probably the world’s largest environmental movement. Here in Australia, many of us went outside to walk, swim and just take a moment to show our gratitude. To be part of the movement, Fifteen Trees campaigned via social media to raise money to purchase trees for Earth Day. Many people chipped in to enable us to buy hundreds of trees. We gave the trees to the fabulous volunteers at Westgate Biodiveristy, Melbourne. Most of the trees were planted on National Tree Day (Sunday July 29th) and the rest were planted during the following week.  
Earth Day
Ephemeral Art celebrating Earth Day.
    We’d like to honour all the individuals who each purchased 15 trees … Niina Kautto, Camilla Myers, Cait Lacombe, Deb DeBuhr, Sandra Hawkins, Christine Tammer, Deb Bourke, Lily Paskas Goodfellow, Kimbra Power, Lina Zarina, Sheridyn Fisher, Dr Bimal Shrestha in memory of his dear friend Rojen and Iris Duhn (25 trees) … a massive thank you! Seven companies also contributed. Thank you to … Erin McCuskey and Yum Productions (15 trees), Siobhan McCuskey and BASK Aromatherapy (30 trees), Sonja Meyer and Sustainable Graphic Design Studio Sonja Meyer (60 trees), Rebecca Djordjevic and Munash (30 trees), Sasha Heath and Hello Tomato (15 trees), Jo and Courtney and Jocourt (60 trees) and Kylie Forbes and Cantilever Interiors (45 trees). Fifteen Trees also kicked in with 15 x 2 trees for students who completed unit EDST108 Semester One and EDST264 Semester Two, at ACU in 2018. And special shout out to Bette Schwarz for her contribution of 105 trees in memory of her environmentally active father, Andy.         On the planting day we had approximately 30 friends and family of Fifteen Trees turn up to Westgate Park to help plant our Earth Day trees. The Ballarat Scouts joined us, and what troopers they were. With wild weather forecast, we dodged the predicted rain but ran foul of the wild westerly winds. Nevertheless, we planted 460 trees that morning. Tony Flude and 3 volunteers from Westgate Biodiveristy organised us by supplying us with gloves and tools, pre-digging the holes, giving us a tree planting demo and then pointing us (into the wind) in the right direction.  

Hi Colleen,

What a great day Sunday turned out to be – great weather for this time of the year and a MAGNIFICENT TURNOUT OF FRIENDS of FIFTEEN TREES!

Today we watered the plants in and collected the pots – total 460 plants in the ground. We have another big group tomorrow so we should get in the remaining plants then.

Thank you so much for your on-going support of our group.

Tony Flude | President | Westgate Biodiversity
Some cheeky ones in the mix.
  The good women from St Brigidine Sisters are also great supporters of our tree planting projects. Big love to Sr Julia, Sr Philippa, Sr Marie, Sr Reba, the Brigidine Community at Echuca, Sr Michelle, Sr Margaret and the woman who initiated the relationship between Fifteen Trees and the Brigidine Sisters, Sr Anne Boyd.   And finally, we need to thank a very special little person. Annika has personally sold 30 trees to family and friends for us to plant. Annika is a Queensland Scout and she was keen to gain a Merit Badge through environmental action. At 7 years old, Annika is our youngest Environmental Warrior. From our end, we sold 28 trees to add to Annika’s tally, so all up 58 trees! These wonderful people kicked in to help Annika. Roslyn Makings, Jeni Bray, Gregory Madden, Jeremy Hunt, Anni Heenan, Siobhan McCuskey and Richarda. Thank you also to Nicole Madden, Annika’s mother who encouraged her daughter to take action. Sláinte (Gallic for cheers) – Colleen  
Annika with friend!
tree planting
Bimal and family planting a tree for Rojen.
shoe cleaning
Siobhan from BASK Aromatherapy gets some assistance from the Scouts.




December 19, 2024
We have a handful of individuals, organisations and companies, who purchase trees when they can. These people are masters of ingenuity when it comes to incorporating tree planting into their business practices.


December 19, 2024
Envirotecture set the bar high when it comes to environmental commitment and achievement. Not only do the team build stylish and sustainable properties Australia-wide, they back up that commitment by sponsoring our native tree planting projects.


December 19, 2024
‘We believe that supporting community tree-planting initiatives is not only an investment in nature; it’s a commitment to a sustainable future. JEI Studio is committed to ongoing donations of 15 planted trees for every design and decoration service agreement’. Jessi Deakin.