May 21, 2022


Out planting with DHL.

On Sunday April 24th, over 50 employees and family members of DHL Perth, headed to Kaarakin Conservation Centre to plant native trees and shrubs to help restore the site to its former glory.



Fifteen Trees were delighted to be asked to organise a Family Planting Day on the behalf of DHL Perth. And we knew exactly who to go to find a site!

Kaarakin. Black cockatoo Conservation Centre.



Kaarakin is situated on a 41 acre bushland site, that was a former wildlife park. The site was once extremely degraded and Kaarakin has spent many years revegetating it back to its former biodiversity rich state. While there is now a solid overstory on much of the site, there is still a lacking of understory. Kaarakin are focusing on replanting the understory to create wildlife corridors for small species of mammals, reptiles and birds to safely travel through and back into the regional park adjacent (Banyowla Regional Park).



We are already seeing the site provide food for all three of our endemic and threatened black cockatoos as well as the return of several small bird species such as Red Capped and Scarlet Robins, Western Spinebills and Yellow Rumped Thornbills.

We have also seen several reptiles including King Skinks, Shingleback Lizards and even the odd Goulds Monitor. We have seen increased activity of  the Southern Brown Bandicoot and Brush Tailed Possums. We hope to one day encourage back the endangered Western Quoll.

We would like to thank DHL staff and their families for volunteering their time to plant trees and shrubs at our site on Sunday 24th April. The soil was challenging to dig but everyone maintained high spirits and continued planting.

Sam Clarke /Education Officer & Tour Coordinator / Kaarakin Black Cockatoo Conservation Centre


Family tree planting day.


We hope that in the long term the site will allow for safe travel for all species while also providing food, shelter and habitat for species wishing to permanently live at Kaarakin. The aim is to restore the bushland back to its former glory, so much so that it will be hard to tell it was ever cleared in the first place! Now that would be an accomplishment!


A few of the DHL staff taking a moment for a photo.


Thank you DHL for your support in Kaarakin’s aim to restore this beautiful part of Perth.


Happy, helpful families.



Writers: Sam Clarke (Kaarakin) and Colleen Filippa (Fifteen Trees).



October 16, 2024
‘CAVAL is happy to continue the tradition of the past 5 years to plant native trees as speaker gifts for the speakers and facilitators of their virtual activities’. Sara Davidsson.


October 16, 2024
Saying goodbye to our loved ones can be so hard. How heartening to think that a memory of them lives on in the beautiful forests of Australia. Every tree is finding its feet and settling in for a generation’s worth of service to the planet.


October 15, 2024
‘Thank you for being an awesome Aussie initiative to repair and sustain our environment! We were so happy to discover you to ease the impact of our event and contribute to a great cause. Our hearts are happy thinking of the trees getting planted this winter!’. Good Karma Tattoo.