June 28, 2014


Catalina Park, Vic.


Tricia Pollard from the Lake Boga and District Landcare Group have worked hard to ensure their local habitat is well managed and looked after. Tricia and her team have been working on the Catalina Project for a few years now and has enticed a number of groups (Lions Club, Bowling Club, Swan Hill Council and Men’s Shed) to help out with creating a beautiful native park for the town. DSCN2289DSCN2296             Before tree planting could take place an irrigation system needed to be installed. This has been a long process, but really necessary for tree viability. Catalina Park is close to the Lake Boga Foreshore near the Flying Boat Museum. Eventually, Tricia and her group will be adding signage to enable visitors to find out more about the local species of vegetation. DSCN2307DSCN2308             I am very proud to be a small part of this project and along with Tricia, I would like to add my gratitude and thanks to Darren and Bronwyn Hinton from G.J Gardner Homes Swan Hill for donating the funds to enable the group to purchase 150 trees from Mildura Native Nursery. This is the second year that GJG have been involved with tree planting in their local area. Across Victoria and Tasmania, G.J. Homes are planting 15 trees for every new home built. That’s over 6000 trees going out to community groups in these two states. Great community support from this company. Slainte – Colleen




January 19, 2025
We have a handful of individuals, organisations and companies, who purchase trees when they can. These people are masters of ingenuity when it comes to incorporating tree planting into their business practices.


December 19, 2024
Envirotecture set the bar high when it comes to environmental commitment and achievement. Not only do the team build stylish and sustainable properties Australia-wide, they back up that commitment by sponsoring our native tree planting projects.


December 19, 2024
‘We believe that supporting community tree-planting initiatives is not only an investment in nature; it’s a commitment to a sustainable future. JEI Studio is committed to ongoing donations of 15 planted trees for every design and decoration service agreement’. Jessi Deakin.