January 1, 1970


Blog 18


It’s Autumn (Tuesday March 5th 2013). The broad-page paper has gone. The broad-page paper has gone. We have just said goodbye to the hottest summer on record and the radio tells me that we are moving towards a very hot and dry March. Yesterday, Coke won a court case against the NT to stop them bring in a recycling program and The Sea Shepard crew have just been called Pirates by a judge in the US. To top it all off, everyone now mistakenly thinks that I am a Herald Sun reader. On the good side. There is a huge outcry against the selfish Coke company and people are being encouraged to post their empty coke cans and bottle to the HQ of Coke in Sydney AddressCoca-Cola Amatil/Media & Public Affairs/40 Mount Street/North Sydney/NSW 2060. You don’t drink the shit (me neither)! However, you are sure to find some empties in the gutters, rivers, oceans etc. If you do post something away, please send me a pic. As far as Fifteen Trees is going. Well, we’ve just got a couple of major supporters on board. Namely – G.J. Gardner Homes (who want ~ 6000 trees planted on their behalf this year) and Flexicar (who want  ~ 1000) trees planted. Of course, King’s Cars continue to be big supporters along with a couple of funeral directors (I know – who would have thought) and cool companies like Angus & Celeste and BeWelded. This Autumn, we will be planting out our 15,000th tree. This special tree has been earmarked for Kinglake where Pozible supporters will also have their 400 trees planted. I’m heading up into the hills in early May to help plant. Please let me know if you’d like to join me. The ABC have been invited by Felicity Grey (Theory Crew) so you may just get yourself on Aunty. Michelle Kerr planting at Brisbane Ranges. Michelle Kerr planting at Brisbane Ranges. In the world of the web, I am just about to get myself a lovely new website (thank you to Erin from yum studio) which will feature more of the beautiful photos people have sent me – pics of trees, people with shovels and kiddies in the dirt. All is good after all ! Slainte – Colleen




January 19, 2025
We have a handful of individuals, organisations and companies, who purchase trees when they can. These people are masters of ingenuity when it comes to incorporating tree planting into their business practices.


December 19, 2024
Envirotecture set the bar high when it comes to environmental commitment and achievement. Not only do the team build stylish and sustainable properties Australia-wide, they back up that commitment by sponsoring our native tree planting projects.


December 19, 2024
‘We believe that supporting community tree-planting initiatives is not only an investment in nature; it’s a commitment to a sustainable future. JEI Studio is committed to ongoing donations of 15 planted trees for every design and decoration service agreement’. Jessi Deakin.