October 17, 2022


Batesville’s Trees.

Since 1976, Batesville have planted more than 14 million trees in remembrance of loved ones, leaving a legacy of a greener world for future generations. Included with the purchase of most products, they arrange for a tree seedling to be planted on selected sites throughout the world.



For over 100 years, Batesville has created products and services for funeral professionals to help families honour the lives of loved ones. Through its Living Memorial program, the company is also leaving an important legacy for future generations. Over 14.5 million trees have been planted worldwide through the program since 1976 to help grieving families begin the journey of healing.



The act of planting a young tree is one that creates hope for the future and can help us to find meaning in the face of loss. The Australian chapter of Batesville has recently purchased 1,000 trees and tree guards for community groups to plant in Tasmania, Victoria and Queensland.


Site 1 | 200 trees | Sandy Bay Rivulet, TAS

This revegetation project took place along the banks and adjacent to Sandy Bay Rivulet just south of Hobart, TAS. After clearing countless weeds and introduced species such as willows, hemlock and thistles, LandcareTAS member Nick Davis and family, planted out 200 plants such as acacias and gums.


Teach them young!


These native plants will attract local birdlife such as the rare Forty-spotted pardalote (top L), Green rosella (top R), Dusty robin (bottom L) and Eastern spinebill (bottom R).


Birds of TAS. Images from ebirds.


Site 2 | 300 trees | Molesworth, VIC


Upper Goulburn Landcare Network (UGLN) planted out the 300 trees in Molesworth, VIC in the winter months of this year. The trees were a collection of eucalyptus, acacia, bursaria and banksia. The revegetation project is to protect the dominate species in the floodplan district, which is the mighty redgum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis).


UGLN volunteers.


Supporting and often relying upon these plants is an impressive array of 342 indigenous fauna species, 63 of which are listed significant species including the distinctive Brush-tailed Phascogale, Lace Monitors, Bandicoots, Sugar Glider, Wedge-tailed Eagle, Eltham Copper Butterfly and Platypus. Kangaroos remain a relatively common resident, and a myriad of bird species.


Site 3 | 500 trees | Cassowary Shire Coast QLD


A variety of plants is of vital importance to the biodiversity of the tropical rainforest.


This planting with over 30 different species was conducted at Mena Creek Reserve on a Wildlife Land Trust listed property by Brettacorp. These trees will improve biodiversity and water flow quality that goes to the Great Barrier Reef plus create food source trees for endangered species such as the Southern Cassowary.


The Cassowary is a large flightless bird, found in the northern parts of Australia. Image National Geographic.


A huge cheers to the volunteers who helped make this happen, and to our generous sponsors at Bateville Caskets for the 500 trees and tree guards.

Brett Krause | Coordinator | Brettacorp


Brett, with his team of local heroes.


Working with Fifteen Trees means families being supported by Batesville can see where their loved one’s trees are located. Our collaboration not only creates a living memorial, but also nourishes the environment and improves our collective quality of life.


Writer; Bronwyn Blaiklock.

Bron is a multidisciplinary creative: a poet, a pianist, a reformed perfectionist. She has worked in the creative and education sectors for over 25 years. She also confesses to having an affair with an accordion, but whatever you do, don’t tell the piano. Find Bronwyn here.





January 19, 2025
We have a handful of individuals, organisations and companies, who purchase trees when they can. These people are masters of ingenuity when it comes to incorporating tree planting into their business practices.


December 19, 2024
Envirotecture set the bar high when it comes to environmental commitment and achievement. Not only do the team build stylish and sustainable properties Australia-wide, they back up that commitment by sponsoring our native tree planting projects.


December 19, 2024
‘We believe that supporting community tree-planting initiatives is not only an investment in nature; it’s a commitment to a sustainable future. JEI Studio is committed to ongoing donations of 15 planted trees for every design and decoration service agreement’. Jessi Deakin.