September 9, 2024


B2B Tech. The community spirit

B2B Technologies puts a great deal of energy into figuring out ways to make print systems greener and more sustainable. B2B is well aware that printing comes with a cost.



B2B Technologies makes printing easier. It sounds simple, but anyone who’s ever stood in front of a printer swearing profusely knows that a smooth print workflow is a crucial component of an efficient office. B2B will find you the right printer, and help you set up a streamlined system that works for your business.



And then they’ll plant trees for you!


B2B puts a great deal of energy into figuring out ways to make print systems greener and more sustainable. B2B is well aware that printing comes with a cost. For example: printing one page on a laser printer emits approximately 1 gram of Co2. The creation of the piece of paper itself emits 5 grams. These numbers add up quickly. In tree terms, a print load of 13,000 pages per month is equal to six trees per year. But it’s definitely possible to reduce the overall impact. In this case, B2B has partnered with Fifteen Trees to plant trees for every customer who signs up with the company.



Bombay, NSW | 121 trees | September 2024


The trees were planted on the behalf of Blooms The Chemist in the the upper Shoalhaven River catchment district, 14km to the southwest of Braidwood on the traditional lands of the Ngarigo and Yuin nations. Conservation reserves in the area include Tallaganda National Park and Tallaganda Conservation Area. Most of the district was historically cleared and is still used for pastoral activities.


Dry Sclerophyll Forest of Bombay, now with 121 new trees.


This region is predominately made up of vegetation associated with Dry Sclerophyll Forests.  The Eucalyptus tree canopy is sparse to mid-dense and consists predominately of Broad Leaved Peppermint, Red Spotted Gum and Scribbly Gum. The occasional Black Sheoak forms part of a sparse small tree layer. The Bombay region is also home to the critically endangered Bombay Bossiaea, a wiry shrub, with pea shaped yellow flowers growing in the steep valley of the Shoalhaven River.



We are absolutely delighted to benefit from your wonderful generosity.  The local land owners who form the Bombay Landcare Group take great pride in their efforts to put back into the local environment. We have used your donation to purchase ‘fit for purpose’ local species to regenerate the land. From the prevention of erosion to building wildlife corridors, the regeneration effort of our group will no doubt have a positive and lasting impact on the region.

Carmen Byrne | President | Bombay Landcare Group



Some of the species of trees planted at the site included; Wattles (Snowy River, Silver, Green and Blackwood), Hakeas, She-Oaks and Gums (Black, Red Spotted, Yellow Box, Black Sally and Ribbon), Bottlebrushes (Riber, Scarlet, Lemon and Crimson) and Tea trees.

Moyhu, VIC | 70 trees | August 2023


The trees (70) were planted this month on the behalf of Blooms The Chemist by the Greta Landcare Group at Moyhu, on Taungurung country in North East Victoria.


Sally Day collecting the seedlings for the project.


The planting was very diverse, with 39 different species planted in clumps across the site. The objective of the planting was to create a demonstration site with all of the typical indigenous local species on display. Some of the species planted included: Blackwood, Silver Wattle, Silver Banksia, River Bottlebrush, Commom Cassinia, Drooping Sheoak, Red River Gum, Yellow Box, Red Box and Rough barked honey-myrtle.


We are very thankful for all the financial support and assistance that has been provided to make our Moyhu Walking Track and Landcare Botanic Gardens a reality.

Sally Day | Coordinator | Greta Valley Landcare Group.


And thank you also to the Greta Landcare Group whose love of their district has meant more habitat for native animals, including the insectivorous, seed eating and nectivorous birds. Given that the area was completely devoid of vegetation, it is expected that it will take up to 5 years for bird diversity and abundance to increase at the site. Fifteen Trees aims to continue supporting this project with generous sponsors such as B2B Technologies.


Greta Valley Landcare volunteers on site.

Daintree Rainforest, QLD | 190 trees | February 2023


Daintree Life is a small conservation group situated up in the Daintree Forest of far north Queensland. They have been planting trees in the Daintree since 2018. They firmly believe in restoring and expanding natural habitat for wildlife. Founders, Connie and Mike Pinso (pictured above), work closely with Queensland Parks and Wildlife, removing rank grasses and weeds in the National Park to restore food resources and ecological function. Funding from B2B Technology has enabled them to continue their revegetation work.


Rainforest seedlings ready for planting.


We welcome B2B Technology’s commitment to helping restore and preserve this unique place and encourage other businesses and individuals to do the same.


Condobolin, NSW | 750 trees | September 2022


Community day at the park.


The Condbolin and District Landcare Group were very grateful to receive 750 mixed native seedlings from B2B Technology. The trees were planted across a number of different sites in the region including the local park in Condobolin. Tree species included Blakeley’s red gum, Melaleuca moonah, Lemon scented gum, Silver banksia, Buloke, Yellow box, Crimson Mallee and Pink flowering yellow gum.


We took the opportunity to connect with a range of people within our community by holding a biodiversity day at the park in town. This was to encourage people to get outdoors, connect with each other, plant some native plants and showcase the benefits of looking after our local environment. Schools also got involved in the event, which was fantastic to see.

Many thanks to B2B Technology for your continued support of our revegetation projects.

Sarah White | Local Landcare Coordinator | Condobolin & Districts Landcare


Bullanbul Creek, VIC | 470 trees | May 2022


Bullanbul Creek, Warrnambool, VIC.


Planting of 470 trees occurred at a remote spring fed gully in Bullanbul Creek, Grassmere, SW Victoria, which had very few existing tree species. The site was wet underfoot therefore trees were planted on the higher section close to fence line and species selected survive well in wet conditions.

The owner of the property had his first experience in planting native trees and was helped by two members of the Hopkins Falls Landcare Group, which was a great experience for all involved. A huge thanks to Fifteen Trees and B2B Technologies for the offer of the trees and your help to make these plantings possible.

Jane O’Beirne | Coordinator | Hopkins Falls Landcare Centre


Daintree, QLD | 200 trees | March 2022


Volunteers from Daintree Life.


This month, B2B trees were planted by community group Daintree Life at the wonderful Cape Tribulation. Working with a team of 14, they very quickly planted 500 trees, of which 200 were provided by B2B.

In conjunction with Douglas Shire Council, various stakeholders and landowners, Daintree Live aims to:

  • identify key areas of land for suitable revegetation,
  • to promote positive outcomes for the Daintree ecosystem and the broader environment and
  • help the local economy.

Connie, Dave and the team were delighted with the trees we were able to provide them with and sincerely thank our ongoing supporters such as B2B Technologies.


Seymour, TAS | 250 trees | September 2021


A couple of hardworking tree planters.


Hundreds of native seedlings (250) have already been planted at Seymour, TAS  thanks to B2B Technologies and its customers. These young trees (Eucalyptus globulus, Allocasuarina verticillata and Banksia marginata) are busy cleaning the air, providing habitat, and fortifying our landscape against the challenges to come. We love a company that can see the connection between its growth and its impact and chooses to do something about it.


Under the rainbow. Heaven!


The seedlings were grown from Seymour sourced seed at Habitat Nursery near Liffey. The week of rain prior to planting day made the job easier, and now the plants can thrive and flourish. To have an enthusiastic group of young people assisting with the project is exciting and now we have 250 new trees in our community thanks to Fifteen Trees sponsors.

D.Steiner & Q. Smith | Members | Seymour Community Action Group Inc.


Condobolin, NSW | 100 trees | June 2021


One of the 100 trees planted on the behalf of our B2B Technology


Condobolin and Districts Landcare were lucky to receive 100 mixed native tubestock for planting in our region. A number of different sites were chosen for these plantings which comprised of both public land (Gum Bend Lake) and on private land in the area.

A local youth group helped to plant seedlings in the new bird habitat area of our recreational lake. This area has been created to give birds a safe area to rest, breed and forage for food. The plantings will stabilise the banks of the lake and create vital habitat for the birds and other wildlife. The tubestock, once grown, will facilitate numerous benefits to our native wildlife such as bees, gliders, birds, insects and bugs, but there will also be many benefits seen in land productivity through soil stabilisation, wind and shelter belts to surrounding land and livestock. The list goes on.

All species planted were native to Australia, some being endemic to our region also.

Thank you to the supporters of Fifteen Trees for supplying these seedlings to our community. We are ever so grateful and look forward to seeing them growing into strong, healthy plants.

Sarah Cranney | Local Landcare Coordinator | Condobolin & Districts Landcare


Some of the species planted included: Wyalong Wattle, Weeping Myall, Lemon-scented Bottlebrush, River Oak, Lemon scented Gum, Red Flowering Gum, River Redgum, Yellow Gum, Grey Box, Christmas Hakea and Honey Honey Myrtle.


Sonia, one of the volunteers at the Condobolin tree planting day.



It’s not only community-spirited of B2B to consider the inbuilt carbon costs of its industry – it’s sound business practice. When things run smoothly, efficiently, and with a compassionate eye on the future, everyone benefits. The company, the client, and the environment. That’s how sustainability works.


B2B Technologies focuses on providing businesses with the best-in-class print, document and collaboration solutions, assisting them to become more green and sustainable in their everyday work practices. Our company wants to do our part for the environment, so we went a step further and looked for more ways to support the environment.

Partnering with fifteen trees has allowed us to expand our sustainable initiatives and directly give back to the environment. Each tree planted will be done in the name of our customers, so they know the sustainable impact they’re having when they become a client.

Rebecca Belleli | Marketing & Comms Coordinator | B2B Technologies


Writer – Sarah Hart.

Sarah is an artist whose passions include the stories and experiences of women and narrative driven work. Her aim is to delight, to reveal glimpses of everyday beauty and to celebrate flights of the ordinary. Sarah works across a range of media, with an abiding interest in pen and ink, mixed media and the human form. You can find Sarah here.




October 16, 2024
‘CAVAL is happy to continue the tradition of the past 5 years to plant native trees as speaker gifts for the speakers and facilitators of their virtual activities’. Sara Davidsson.


October 16, 2024
Saying goodbye to our loved ones can be so hard. How heartening to think that a memory of them lives on in the beautiful forests of Australia. Every tree is finding its feet and settling in for a generation’s worth of service to the planet.


October 15, 2024
‘Thank you for being an awesome Aussie initiative to repair and sustain our environment! We were so happy to discover you to ease the impact of our event and contribute to a great cause. Our hearts are happy thinking of the trees getting planted this winter!’. Good Karma Tattoo.