November 9, 2023


Argon&Co. Taking Sustainability Seriously.

Every quarter, Argon & Co (previously Pollen Consulting) purchase 375 native trees for our community tree planting projects. To date, their tree tally stands at a massive 6,365 trees. An Argon Forest!



Argon & Co take sustainability seriously, ensuring that protection of the planet is a part of all their own projects and strategies as well as offering sustainable services in the fields of manufacturing, finance, design and sourcing.

Every quarter, the company purchases 375 native trees for our tree planting projects. Over the course of the year, the trees are distributed to community groups across Australia.


Site A | Brisbane Ranges, VIC | 1,000 trees

Native tree species included at this site were a mixture of River-red gum, Yellow gum, Manna gum, Sweet Bursaria, Wirilda and Lightwood. All trees were sourced from local indigenous nursery at Western Plains Flora and planted by volunteers from the Koala Clancy Foundation  in the Brisbane Ranges (VIC).

The Wadawurrung are a recognised tribe (community) of this district, which consisted of some 25 clans that forms part of the Kulin Nation of Aboriginal people.


Volunteers from Koala Clancy at the Inverleigh site.


At Inverleigh, a small population of wild koalas are just hanging on. Many years ago all the woodland around them was cut down, isolating these koalas. Now modern farmers are keen to revegetate the streams, but they need our expert help. This project will restore an endangered ecosystem in a region that has lost 87% of its natural forest. This planting will effectively double the habitat for these koalas, giving them a lifeline.

Many thanks to the team at Argon & Co for your generous contribution.

Janine Duffy | President | Koala Clancy Foundation



Project site at Inverleigh, VIC


This self-funded foundation is working with landowners and councils to provide connecting habitat corridors for their local wild koala populations. During the course of this planting season (April – September) they are aiming to plant close to 20,000 native trees. One thousand trees from Argon & Co goes a long way towards their goal.


Site B | Mornington Peninsula | 750 trees

Earlier this year, Project Platypus on the Mornington Peninsula, VIC (Bunurong Boon Wurrung Country) was a recipient of Argon and Co’s generous donation.


Volunteers from Project Platypus.


The trees (750) were a mixture of over 60 different types of species, including Blackwood, Sheoak, Coastal Manna Gum, Woolly Tea Tree, Swamp Paperbark, Yellow Hakea, Christmas Bush, Myrtle Wattle, Sweet Wattle, Correa, Saltbush and a myriad of other indigenous species.

These plantings will enable the establishment of habitat to help the native wildlife return and provide protection against predators. The plants will also help with the management of water on these sites resulting in more water retention and reduced sediment run off into our water ways.


One of the 750 seedlings planted on the Mornington Peninsula.


Importantly, the plants were sourced from local indigenous nursery, Willum Warrain, an Aboriginal Association Incorporated nursery. Seeds for the plants are collected from the surrounding area and propagated throughout the year. Locally grown plants from locally collected seed are vitally important for the biodiversity and health of an ecosystem. More on why ‘Indigenous Plants Rule’ in one of our recent blogposts here.



The Western Port Biosphere Reserve Foundation would like to thank those who have donated their money to help provide plants to the many sites in our beautiful reserve. The sourcing of plants from our First Nations indigenous run nursery, Willum Warrain, has been a fantastic exercise and we all have gained a lot of knowledge on selecting local plants for the best locations. Providing these plants has enabled us to reach out to many schools and children who have learnt how to select plants and more importantly how easy it is to plant them and care for them. Without these plants we wouldn’t have been able to leverage more plants and schools to plant even more habitat in our Reserve.

Glen Brooks-MacMillan | Coordinator | Western Port Biosphere



We also thank Argon & Co for their assistance in helping local communities to protect their native environment. These trees will go a long way to provide habitat for local wildlife.


If you would like to know more about sponsoring community tree planting projects and how we can assist you in becoming a more sustainable business, please contact Colleen at <[email protected]>.



Writer: Colleen Filippa


With a background in Environmental Science, Colleen is the Founding Director of Fifteen Trees. In 2009, after 20 years in primary, secondary and tertiary education institutions, Colleen left the classroom to start the company. Fifteen Trees is a social enterprise assisting individuals and companies to reduce their carbon footprint by supporting community groups such as Landcare, schools and environmental networks.









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