September 7, 2014


The Pentland Hills Project (Vic).


The Pentland Hills district of Victoria is roughly 50 km west north-west of Melbourne. If you have ever traveled up to Ballarat (by road or rail) you will at some stage find yourself weaving through these hills. This district has its own micro-climate. The weather will suddenly change from sunshine to howling winds and rain, the road signs will light with flashing ‘slippery with wet’ warnings, fog will fall like a wet blanket and the sky will become ominously black (I exaggerate not). However, living amongst these hills are a group of hardy landholders who care very much for their native environment. So much so, that they are working their way along the Myrniong Creek planting trees as part of a Biolink project that links Mt Blackwood to the Werribee Gorge. This project is long term and on going. Helping out with their tree planting day this year, were volunteers from the Bacchus Marsh Lions Club, the Myrniong Primary School and the Friends of Werribee Gorge. pentlandhills Fifteen Trees and Pentland Hills Landcare would like to jointly thank CEO Poul Bottern and executive assistant Leah Phelan from A Plus, Apprentice + Trainee Services for the generous donation of 330 trees to this project. A Plus has been long time supporters of our native environment through Fifteen Trees.  The trees planted at the Pentland Hills will help reduce the carbon footprint of the 22 vehicles in their fleet. Slainte – Colleen



September 5, 2024
‘Thank you to the supporters of Fifteen Trees such as G.J. Gardner Homes Mildura. With your contribution, Mallee Conservation can restore habitat for the beautiful, endangered Pink Cockatoo. It also supports Traditional Owner self- determination for our local mob.’ Mallee Conservation.


September 5, 2024
Gaynor Atkin, of Atkin Collective, cares for country. Partnering with Fifteen Trees, Gaynor’s support of our tree planting projects in Victoria has seen 200 native trees planted.


September 4, 2024
‘Nature is not a place to visit, it is a home that we all belong to, so it’s only fitting to give back’. This is a quote we heard a long time ago and it’s something that stuck with us and something we try to live by. Mark and Karyn Pemmelaar.