January 7, 2015

Time with …

I wanted an excuse to forge a connection with some of the great people I discover in my travels and thought what better way than to interview them? When I get a little more techno savvy, I’ll try my hand at videoing, but for now it is simply questions and answers. Old school!

This month, in my series of ‘Time with …’ can I please introduce Jo Wilbow from Black Pebble Designs.

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The amazing Jo.
The amazing Jo.

I met Jo Wilbow at this year’s Sustainable Living Festival when she wandered by my stall and stopped for a chat. Jo is an interior design artist who works out of her beautiful studio in Richmond NSW. It is at this studio that Jo holds creative workshops designed to encourage recycling and inspire a healthy and creative life.

What can’t you live without? Most definitely my comfy Lee jeans and my mamma bear.

 What is your wildest dream? To travel the world, live like a gypsy, hop from place to place and trade old wares.

 What is your simplest pleasure? Sleep-ins when I should be at work, hot water bottles on a cold night and a good cup of chai.

 What is your greatest triumph? Throwing in my secure full time employment to follow my creative heart and open my own design studio.

 Your favourite quote is ….“Worrying is like a rocking chair, it will give you something to do but it will get you nowhere”. Glenn Turner

What is your biggest thrill? Meeting like minded people, when you just have so much in common and you never want the conversation to end – it usually revolves around eco-living, becoming greener and saving the planet! It always confirms to me that I am the right path in my life, and I just love that feeling 🙂

 Do you have a passion project? Rescuing old pieces of furniture and giving them a new lease on life. I name them and treat them as old souls oozing with character just needing a bit of TLC.

 Have you a little known secret you can share? Apart from already telling you that I name old armchairs and other pieces of furniture – now I’m telling you I also talk to them (just a little bit!)!  

Give us your best tip for living sustainably. If you can’t do it all, at least make a start 🙂

Jo’s company Black Pebble Design was borne out of an idea to create a working interior design studio committed to environmentally conscious and socially responsible interiors. A boutique home-wares and furniture store compliments the studio and is inspired by nature and my love for one-of recycled and vintage pieces. It offers ethical, healthy and eco-friendly alternatives.

 What is not to love about Jo and Black Pebble Design. Pssst … go like her on Facebook.

Slainte – Colleen[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]


Nature’s time capsules.
Winter. A Season for Radical Rest.
Tree Planting Season.