July 18, 2015

National Tree Day 2015

 National Tree Day

Sunday July 26th

Fifteen Trees has 3 ideas to celebrate!

1. Fifteen Trees are organising a ‘tree pose’ event in the Ballarat Botanical Gardens on National Tree Day. Tree pose (aka Vrksasana) is a simple standing pose, check it out at Australian Yoga Journal. We are meeting up at 10.00 am near the Sensory Gardens. Please wear black (yoga gear is an option but not necessary) and bring along a bright scarf. Aldona Kmiec will be taking a group photo. Aldona is a Polish-Australian photographic artist specialising in photo murals and portraiture. Based in Ballarat, her multi-award winning artistic practice focuses on environmental/conceptual portraiture. Aldona’s group photo will be available to buy through Fifteen Trees ($10.00 = 10″ x 8″/plus postage).

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Aldona on site.
Aldona on site.

2. Want to actually help plant trees on National Tree Day? At Flowerdale (2 hours north of Melbourne), the local community will be hosting a tree planting day at the primary school. They would love some volunteers to help plant. If you are interested, let me know and I’ll get all the details to you.

3. No-where near Ballarat or Flowerdale? But want to help out regardless? Then buy some trees through Fifteen Trees for a community group to plant on your behalf.

These are just 3 ways you can celebrate National Tree Day. Of course, you could also plant a tree on your own property, plant a tree by stealth on public property (please, please, please send me a pic) or just head outdoors and hug a tree (you greenie).

Slainte – Colleen



The couple behind Angus & Celeste.
Why we love landcare!
Nature’s time capsules.