July 4, 2019

Homeward Bound – running carbon neutral!

Dear Team HB,

I am so delighted hear that some of you may purchase trees through Fifteen Trees to reduce the carbon footprint of your journey to Antartica with HB.

The UN report, that I believe HB3 team commissioned, calculated that each woman was responsible for 9 tonnes (9,000kg) of carbon emissions.

In tree terms: 9,000kg equates to 33 trees!

Over it’s lifetime, a tree will collect 268kg of carbon (9,000kg / 268kg = 33 trees). Of course, the calculations are a little arbitrary. It depends upon the species of tree, the climate it grows in, rainfall, soil quality etc.

However, what I can tell you is this … your trees will get the absolute best start!

  • The trees we plant are native (if not indigenous) to the area in which they are planted.
  • Many of native nurseries (where we source the trees), propagate the trees from seed collected from around the district.
  • The trees are then planted at the right time of the year (in the southern states in the wetter months).
  • They are planted by people with years and years of experience.
  • All our trees have tree guards (and often mulch) placed around them.
  • The trees are then maintained for at least the first 2 years, particularly over the first couple of summers. After that, the tree guards are removed.

At $4.80/tree, the cost of reducing your carbon footprint (33 trees) through Fifteen Trees is $158.40.

My plan is to plant all the HB trees for 2019 at the one location in WA. Once planted, you will be sent an email to the blog post about your trees. You will be able to see your trees and read about the community group who have planted them. You will be able to find your trees anytime by typing your name into the search box on the Fifteen Trees website.

To purchase 33 trees there are a couple of options:

1. PayPal.


2.  Cheque/money order.

Fifteen Trees/ PO Box 1719 / Bakery Hill / Victoria 3354

3. Direct payment to bank.

Bendigo Bank / BSB 633 000/ Account 137 687 554

4. Credit Card. 

Phone 0400 040659 with your credit card handy.




Thank you for the opportunity to help make HB a carbon neutral experience.

Sláinte (Irish for cheers) – Colleen (HB1 participant)



My Year of Living Sustainably. Summer.
Come Planting.
Giving Back.