December 13, 2014

The Heart Cut Out.

Every day when I travel along the streets of Ballarat,  I see sights like the one shown here.

I suspect we have all seen the effect of tree trimming by our local councils (and their contractors)  as they make way for the power-lines.


Here in Ballarat however, we have an extra thicker black cable (Neighborhood Cable*) which sits a good few meters under the power lines.

This makes the trimming of our street trees even more ruthless.

With the heart cut out of many of our trees, diseases are easily introduced and often the tree becomes lopsided and unstable. The tree then needs to be removed.

And that means… hotter roads,  hotter streets and hotter footpaths. No wonder you never see any people on our streets.  Do we really need to trim so drastically?

Slainte – Colleen

* Not sure how a private company got to put up these cables in the first place.


My Year of Living Sustainably. Summer.
Come Planting.
Giving Back.