August 10, 2020

A living memorial for Tamaris.

A living memorial in Wagga Wagga for Tamaris.


On 12 November 2018, my darling sister, Tamaris Pfeiffer Tait, died suddenly aged 45 years. She left behind a wonderful husband and three beautiful young children. To honour her memory on this first anniversary, her family and friends wish to plant a little forest. As a teen, Tamaris spent her first pocket money on a tree to plant in our front yard. Her passion for trees, gardening and nature were an important part of her life until the day she died. For this reason, we want to channel our heartache into a positive cause that will go on helping the environment for years to come. We know Tarli would absolutely love this gift to the planet!

Wagga Wagga was Tamaris’ home for 16 years and where her husband and children still live. She was a talented violinist, violist and a much-loved teacher at the Riverina Conservatorium of Music. It is our hope that the planting will be in the area where her family can watch it grow.

We are deeply grateful for any donation of plants you consider making to our living memorial. Thank you to Bronwyn for this idea and Fifteen Trees for making it happen!

Much love to our family and friends for your ongoing love and care – Emma.

Tamaris and her 3 beautiful babies.

A beautiful sentiment from family and friends of Tamaris. From us at Fifteen Trees, we are so sorry to hear of your loss. Emma has told us that Tamaris bought 3 trees with her first earnings as a teenager! What a beautiful woman. Our hearts go out to you all. Over the past 10 months, we have kept a record of who purchased trees for Tamaris and we are so happy to let you know that 1,000 trees were purchased from a total of 97 contributors.


Planting along the Murrumbidgee Rive, NSW.


The planting of the nature legacy for Tamaris is now near completion and we are SO incredibly grateful to you all for contributing to this beautiful project. We know Tarli’s presence will be felt there and look forward to being able to spend many special moments soaking up memories amongst the trees and bushes in this ecological gem. Thank you for your ongoing love, care and support.

Below is the plaque that will be placed on a seat along the Wiradjuri walking track.

Much love from all the family xxxx



The native trees, with a focus on planting locally indigenous species (a mixture of trees, shrubs, grasses and flowering ground covers) have been planted along a section of the Wiradjuri walking track near the city centre of Wagga Wagga. The site forms part of the Murrumbidgee River corridor which does remain a significant biodiversity corridor but will offer greater habitat value if native vegetation is increased and diversified. Importantly, the site is also heavily utilised as a recreational path for locals and visitors to the city and offers the potential for high engagement  and educational value.


Tamaris as a teen planting one of her trees.




Over the course of a couple of days, we more than 1,000 locally indigenous grasses, shrubs and ground-covers along a section of the recently raised levy bank which also forms a very well utilised section of the Wiradjuri Track. This work will improve the aesthetics of the site following the levy works, assist with long-term weed control and provide improved habitat and food sources for native animals.

We really appreciate the support of Tamaris’ family and friends and Fifteen Trees. You have all made this project possible.

Edward Maher | President | Wagga Wagga Urban Landcare



Sláinte – Colleen (Founder and Director Fifteen Trees).




The couple behind Angus & Celeste.
Why we love landcare!
Nature’s time capsules.