February 22, 2022

Committee For Ballarat is planting trees!

Ballarat social enterprise, Fifteen Trees is partnering with the members of Committee for Ballarat to continue the greening of Ballarat. Committee for Ballarat’s vision for a thriving and vibrant regional community, recognised for its liveability, sustainability, and inclusiveness.

At its March 2021 Round Table Dinner, Committee for Ballarat members were reminded that Ballarat’s green centrepiece, Victoria Park, was largely planted out in a single day by a community committed to beautifying its city.



Excited now by the challenge of sustainability and regeneration, and enthused by keynote speaker Damon Gameau (director of 2040, That Sugar Film and Regeneration), Committee for Ballarat has invited its members to join in positive action and invest in our planet’s regeneration by purchasing trees through Fifteen Trees. We are aiming to raise the funds for 350 trees, and the Committee itself has kicked off the fundraiser with 100 trees. Vestas matched them and also purchased 100 trees.


A variety of species, indigenous to the Ballarat district will be planted.


Working with the City of Ballarat, the trees will be planted this May in a nominated spot in Victoria Park. Once organised, tree purchasers will be invited to the tree planting day, along with students from local schools.


Trees purchased – 503



Writers: Kate Davis / Committee of Ballarat and Colleen Filippa / Fifteen Trees


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