November 14, 2022


Making a Difference.

Trees for individuals are adding up. Forty kind-hearted souls recently purchased trees for us to plant on their behalf. Trees to cover their flights, trees to cover their cars and trees as gifts and in memory of a loved one.



Individual actions really do matter! Individually we can really only make small differences to the world around us, but collectively our numbers add up. And if enough individuals are involved then forests can be grown!

And the proof is here! Eight hundred native trees planted in Tasmania this spring.



Planting trees in memory of a dearly loved one.

  • Helene Blanchard, purchased 15 trees in memory of Veronique.
  • Caitlin Crosbie, purchased 15 trees in memory of Arthur. ‘Beloved father and husband. Forever remembered in these trees, planted in the earth he tended so dearly’.
  • Ebonie Gough purchased 15 trees in memory of her son.
  • Belinda Hulstrom purchased 15 trees in memory of Carla’s son Daniel. ‘Our deepest sympathy. Wishing you peace, courage and lots of love at this time of sorrow’. 
  • ‘Leaving behind a wonderful family, Anton will be sadly missed every single day. We extend our heartfelt condolences to Leanne’s extended family and have organised the planting of these trees in his memory’. Colleen and Albert.

Trees in memory of Fiona Jean Smith. 

A number of people purchased 15 trees in loving memory of their dear friend Fiona. These friends included Camila Graves, Sue Watson, Barbara Moss, Clare Land, Peter Mansu, Karen Vella, Marnie Lassen, Helen Grutzner and Rebecca Sharpe  (30 trees).

‘Fiona was a champion of the natural environment among many other causes.  She worked for Trust for Nature and revegetated her own property near Seymour.  Ave atque vale Fiona’.

Trees in memory of Michael Crombie. 

‘We planted 70 trees in memory of our dear friend and brother-in-law Michael. We raised our children together, played cards and scrabble by candlelight while camping and walked the tracks of Wilson’s Prom together. So sadly missed‘. Colleen and Albert.

Trees in memory of Paul Falla. 

‘We planted 43 trees in memory of our nephew who left us far too soon. A person who would go to great lengths to assist if you called for his help. Big hearted man’. Colleen and Albert.

Thank you to the following who each have purchased 15 trees.

  • Shannon Savy, who purchased trees for her friend Deb Clark.
  • Helen Winter.
  • Sarah Brennan Artist.
  • Linda Black, who purchased trees for Caroline Fittall. ‘Thank you so much, Caroline, for sharing such an important experience in your life and doing it with so much clarity and insight. It will assist us greatly in our work’. Linda.
  • Christine Tammer, a gift from us at Fifteen Trees. ‘All the very best for your new van adventures’. Colleen
  • Miriam Glaser.
  • Sue Woodward.
  • Elise Fenna, purchased trees as a gift to her nieces, Frankie and Neve who turned 2 last month. ‘Happy 2nd Birthday Frankie and Neve’. Love from Seese and Bec.
  • Woodrose Kwan.
  • Hannah Turner, purchased trees for Rebecca. ‘Happy 40th Birthday, Rebecca. I hope these trees are as strong and enduring as our friendship‘. Hannah.
  • Kimbra Power.
  • Ardtornish Children’s Centre purchased trees as a retirement gift for John Buckell. ‘Ardtornish Children’s Centre hope you continue to grow in your retirement, wishing you many new adventures’.
  • Stede Nyland Clifford, purchased trees for baby Summer Joy Hogg.
  • Steve Edwards.
  • Lorena Wootton.
  • Mary Debrett.
  • Eleanor Colla, purchased trees for the those who judged the ‘Visualise Your Thesis International Competition’.

The Visualise Your Thesis 2022 Competition saw 22 entrants from around the world, all presenting their graduate research projects in engaging 60 second videos. Congratulations to everyone who reached the international round of Visualise Your Thesis 2022. Entrants and winners can be viewed at:

A competition would not be complete without the judges. As a thank you to the judges, the Visualise Your Thesis Team have planted trees in your names.  Cr. Davydd Griffith, portfolio lead for Education and Innovation, City of Melbourne , Dr. Katy Peplin, Thrive PhD  and Dr Eva Méndez, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.

Thank you to those who purchased 30 trees.

  • Keitha Theodore, purchased 30 trees for her students in the Year 12, Environmental Science at Ballarat Grammar. All the very best to Holly, Kate, Seaton, Grace, Jasmine, Georgiana, Ashlyn, Noah, Ibrahim, Stephanie, Robert, Bessie, Tamara, Chanel, Riley, Emma and Zoe.
  • Rebekah Lo.
  • Sharon Khanna.

Thank you to those who purchased 45 trees.

  • Sabrina Robertson, purchased 45 trees for 3 dear friends.
  • Abby and John Taylor, purchased these trees for Bram’s 75th birthday.

Thank you to those who purchased trees to cover the carbon footprint of their flights (1 tree per hour in the air).

  • Lena Mazza, purchased 15 trees to help reduce the footprint of her daughter’s flight to New York.
  • Lucy Jones, purchased 40 trees to reduce the carbon footprint of her partner’s flight.

And thank you to those who have purchased one tree with ‘Plant One on Me‘. 

  • Djena Pearson, Anne McMahon and Avani Deshpande.



The trees (800) were planted across a number of sites by LandcareTAS. The trees were planted in the Tamer Valley, on Bruny Island, at North Esk, Geeveston and Woodstock. All planting groups are aiming to restore the land and provide habitat for native wildlife.


Birds of Tasmania.


The projects we assisted, aim to enhance habitat for local threatened species which include the Eastern barred Bandicoot, platypus, Tasmanian Devil and various bird species. Over the coming years, the installation of these shelter corridors will increase native habitat and biodiversity and will ensure safe movement for wildlife.


The kids of Tamar Valley.


In July, we gathered a lot of help from our amazing friends to plant trees in our ‘Quintas dos Amigos’ in Geeveston! On the lead-up to the planting day, we had multiple weekends preparing the land and making tree guards out of netting materials from fish farms.

Over 20 people were part of this project, we are very thankful for their help as it made the planting process very smooth and fast. Our two goats also had an important part to play in the lead-up to planting, they ate all the blackberry bushes so we could clear up some areas to plant the trees.

The planting day started at 8:30am, we segregated the volunteers in 3 main areas and off they went looking for stakes with trees nearby. Within 3 hours we had all the trees in the ground. We were impressed that it went so fast.

We celebrated the planting with a nutritious lunch and some good laughs on the eventful day. Thank you to LandcareTAS and supporters of Fifteen trees for giving us this opportunity, it has certainly allowed us to share with our community that support is available for people that want to take care of the land.

Jo Mendes | Member | LandcareTAS


Jo and friend.



Together, as individuals, we can make significant change. Think of people like Greta Thunberg, who went from a lone figure protesting on the steps of her parliament to the symbolic leader of a worldwide youth climate movement. Think of the social justice marches of the past few years, those rivers of people taking over our streets and calling for change. All individuals. All making a difference.


Never believe that a few caring people can’t change the world. For indeed, that’s who ever has.

Margaret Mead | Cultural Anthropologist


We see it very clearly here are Fifteen Trees. We have hundreds of individuals who purchase small numbers of trees, because that’s what they can do right now. But those small numbers add up to big projects. Over the years, thousands of trees have been planted thanks to small personal gestures of generosity. First a rustle, then a roar, and finally a forest.



This is the power of acting individually and working collectively. If you think you can’t make an impact, we’re here to tell you that you can. Because it’s never just you. It’s all of us, and we’re facing these challenges together.


Writer: Colleen Filippa.

With a background in Environmental Science, Colleen is the Founding Director of Fifteen Trees. In 2009, after 20 years in primary, secondary and tertiary education institutions, Colleen left the classroom to start the company. Fifteen Trees is a social enterprise assisting individuals and companies to reduce their carbon footprint by supporting community groups such as Landcare, schools and environmental networks.



October 16, 2024
‘CAVAL is happy to continue the tradition of the past 5 years to plant native trees as speaker gifts for the speakers and facilitators of their virtual activities’. Sara Davidsson.


October 16, 2024
Saying goodbye to our loved ones can be so hard. How heartening to think that a memory of them lives on in the beautiful forests of Australia. Every tree is finding its feet and settling in for a generation’s worth of service to the planet.


October 15, 2024
‘Thank you for being an awesome Aussie initiative to repair and sustain our environment! We were so happy to discover you to ease the impact of our event and contribute to a great cause. Our hearts are happy thinking of the trees getting planted this winter!’. Good Karma Tattoo.