Harrison Funerals Hi_Res_RGB       Through the partnership of Harrison Funerals and Fifteen Trees, St Francis Xavier Primary School (Ballarat) was the grateful recipients of 40 fruit trees for their orchard. Sarah Page and her Green Team planted the trees at the end of 2017 and then made a roster to ensure the trees were planted over the long summer holidays. They then came up with this wonderful poem.  

Once upon a time, in the magical land

Known as St. Francis Xavier Primary School, Villa Maria,

Some wise students, who were learning about the Earth,

Had a marvellous idea!

To help save the Earth they must plant more trees,

So they called upon their fairy godmother, Colleen, from Fifteen Trees.

“40 mature trees I shall bequest upon you to plant if you please.”

With sleeves rolled up and determination they did go,

Digging 40 great deep holes

And carrying buckets of compost to and fro!

And one by one,

40 beautiful fruit trees they did sow,

Each tree planted with great love and care

And hope for the delicious fruit they will one day bear.

From pomegranates to cherries, apricots and pears,

There’ll be stone fruit of plenty

And numerous delicious apples to share.

Row by row, with room to grow

An orchard they did sow.

With the help of Brian and Maree,

And the folk at Fifteen Trees…

They lovingly created a beautiful place for them,

For hope

And for the bees!

Sarah Page (Villa Maria), Maree Harrison and Brian Harrison (Harrison Funerals)